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Never, Never, Never, Give Up

Plug into His faithfulness, and decide right now that you will never, never, never give up until you see the victory!
Format | MP3 |
Speaker | Patricia King & James Goll |
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The promises of God are yes and amen. They are sure things. But along the way, the enemy will try to weigh you down with resistance, delays and frustrations to get you to give up and turn away. Yet, if you simply hang on and endure, if you simply lock in to what God has for you and allow Him to strengthen you for the journey, you will see the fullness of God explode into your life and all of His promises blossom into a bouquet of blessings for you.As you listen to these messages from Patricia King and James Goll you will receive great grace to run your race. God never fails. Plug into His faithfulness, and decide right now that you will never, never, never give up until you see the victory!
MP3 1 “Count your Stars” / James Goll
MP3 2 “Finish Strong” / Patricia King