You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
Kat addresses the subject of homosexuality. Watch now and learn about being made in the image of...
Our guests today are Al and Terry Purvis of Victory ASIA. We are talking about what they are...
Patricia discusses: Who is our king? What kingdom do we live in? Her DVD "Revival of...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
Kat shares the story of a 13 year old she met in heaven and the amazing testimony that took...
We each have an internal antena. who is yours tuned into?We each have an internal antena. who is...
The national coordinator of "Living Waters" - a program for sexually broken people -...
Mark Sandford tells his story of being sexually abused as a child and his subsequent struggle...
Iverna Tompkin's message infuses life and hope into your soul to reach your destiny and...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...
Listen now and learn what God has in store for the children of God in the earth in the last days.
When a young suicidal man in New Zealand experiences the power of God touching him his life is...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
David talks about how God healed him and set him free from sexual sin & brokenness.
Walter Heyer relates his fascinating life story while detailing the causes and effects of gender...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
Cindy Jacobs she shares the difference between the supernatural power of God and darkness.
David Diga Hernandez articulately lays out the case for "Slain in the Spirit" being a...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez discusses with Pastor Micah Klausman about...
Dutch discusses his encounter with the spirit of Baal, what it is, how it affects society, and...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, the Spirit...
Religion is a deadly thing. David exposes religion and speaks freedom from condemnation, guilt...
Heidi relates stories of the rescue of sexually broken kids in Africa and of God's...
Identify how you moved from life to debt, and discover that through prophetic intervention there...
King David says in the 23rd Psalm that your cup is already running over with blessing and...
God is demonstrating His power through signs and wonders interfering with natural weather patterns.
Dick speaks about the significance of Good Friday and Easter. Inspirational programming...
Joan shares with you how you don't have to live with depression but rather how you can be...
Are you under someones negative perception of you? Shake off this pessimism. Jesus came to...
During "The Encounter Conference" Dr. Aaron Winter explains how the Kingdom of God and...
Dr. Brown looks straight into the camera and answers the toughest questions that can be posed by...
Enseñanza sobre ataduras del alma, el traspaso de los pecados de los padres, y la libertad de...
Reflections taken from a message from Steve Porter on Lukewarmness in the Church and the cure!
How do we as Christians have influence in the spheres that we live our lives in?
Do you feel like you have been waiting forever for your dreams to come to pass? Steve Porter...
Stop using Satan's bat to beat yourself up - there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus
John Mark discusses how he was shown the impending Katrina disaster in the New Orleans area, and...
The Lord has called us to stand in the stead of Christ in the earth. Watch now and learn how to...
"The Best BBQ Ever" was a tremendous day here in the West Midlands, here is a short...
The team at Wellspring Living talks about their program to restore girls and women who have come...
Historias de ministrar a prostitutos, transexuales, proxenetas y prostitutas en Hollywood. Un...
In this episode of Encounter TV David's brother , Michael Hernandez, preaches a message on...
Linda describes her life as a lesbian and how Jesus Christ set her free.
In order to live a supernatural life, we need to be able to hear the voice of the Lord and walk...
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker of Southside Victory Church in Calgary, AB, Canada, and...
This video will acquaint you with the section where specific ministry pages are located.
<div> During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Shawn Bolz. Here is the...
Todd White and Patricia King share about their encounters on the streets, sharing the love of Jesus.
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
There is power in both forgiveness and unforgiveness. It can disable your life, or enable you...
When we're in His arms, we see things from our Father's perspective and we will walk...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from tooth enamel being filled in, to tooth pain...
God doesn't want us to live with stress. Listen and find out how to become totally stress free.
Cry out. It may still be dark, but sing anyway, know that the twilight will break open to reveal...
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...
We're coming into a very significant season in this era that the church is entering into....
Todd White shares a testimony of healing from cancer that will build your faith to release...
Science has proven that we have 3 brains. The head, heart and the gut brain. When we deal with...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from distended stomach, rotator cuff, and neck...
Christopher West teaching on what the Bible reveals to be God's creative intent for human...
The unique world of the female sex addict and the ways that a girl can develop a bondage to...
Kat has had many heavenly encounters. In this segment she shares about our gifts and how God...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
You can walk in divine health and healing.Understand causes of sickness and disease. Recognize...
Watch as Danny Silk delves into the topic of the difference between consequences and punishment.
The father of the ex-gay movement tells his story of being groomed into homosexuality by his...
A lady is healed of a torn ligament at a miracle service in Colorado hosted by the healing...
Becca continues to teach and tell stories of how Jesus sets the captive free through spiritual...
Revival is easy for God with people who are prepared. Is your heart & life really ready to...
Receive grace from the Lord that will sustain you for everything that you are going through.
Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...
This is the final episode in this beginning series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
This miracle took place in the NW part of South Africa and this woman had a kidney disease that...
There is more angelic activity than ever before in this generation. Learn how you can become...
Keeran shares his thoughts about what bully's look like and what a child should do if it...
Patricia King shares about the power of revival and the importance of the prophetic in the midst...
Let God pull the pain out of you so He can instill the promise in you.
As a subscriber, you have a personal profile page. Watch and learn about this benefit!
Our guest today is Charlotte Quist, part 2. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check out...
The author of <em>Door of Hope</em> tells her story of sexual abuse, how God healed...
"If you want to know the future look at history. We are not going to live in the past but...
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Our guests today are Antonio and Christabelle Baldovinos of the Global Prayer House in Medicine...
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
This young girl is healed and seeing now without pupils. Astonishing miracle.
This video will help you to walk in the true authority of the believer where nothing shall harm...
Harmony's story of story of life as a stripper, followed by an outreach by her ministry to...
On this episode of Encounter TV David prays for miracles and a recent Encounter Service, a man...
I want to encourage all of you who love the Lord to exercise your right to vote. To ignore it is...
Iverna shares her deep wisdom on how to raise children based on biblical principals in a world...
Angela Greenig on Elijah Streams Take Authority Over the Enemy in Your Life
Supplementing the rescue of children who have been entrapped by the sex slave industry by...
Our guests again are Al and Terry Purvis, and we'll be discussing missions and the role of...
Deliverance from soul ties, family curses, unforgiveness, and demonic strongholds and on the...
John 10:27 - My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Learn about the expansion of Government and understanding the King and what His place is.
Heaven is the most fun place you can ever imagine living in. It's a very fun place!
The Nehemiah Prayer Network is a group of intercessors that partner and pray once a month for...
Jonathan talks about the provision God has made for sexually bound people that can free them...
There are only two sources of supernatural power, evil and divine. Listen as Bobby Conner...
This woman came hundreds of miles to our service to be healed of terminal cancer. She was...
Enseñanza bíblica sobre el diseño de Dios para el sexo, disponible para todo el que vuelva su...
De Génesis hasta Apocalipsis, vemos que el corazón de Dios es que vivas en Su bendición.
Katie shares part 4 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
A man's severely injured back is completely restored by the healing power of Jesus - with...
Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
God is calling His modern-day church to be built on the foundation of the apostles &...
Bob discusses pressing into prophecies to overcome opposition and see their fulfillment,...
In the many distractions that come...You can hear the sweet sound of our heavenly bridegroom...
God is preparing His people to become the Bride of His beloved Son and this excellent book will...
Has anyone ever pushed your buttons? Dr. Aiko addresses triggering mechanisms in our brain when...
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
Catherine discusses how the prophetic should not only predict but interpret as well, why God...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
Fiona talks about the foundation of love and relationship with God that must be developed for...
Dick is speaking about what he is sensing for this coming year.
The Glory Zone - Episode 072 In part 2 of One New Man David and Stephanie Herzog interview Sid...
Gana Gombojav is from Mongolia and has started one of the largest churches in Mongolia and has...
An impassioned description of how the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to...
Life Coach - Patricia King shares about how often dreams are snatched away for various reasons....
Jeff Stow talks with Bonnis, 5 months after a deliverence that occurred in the Tipping the...
During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Skyler & Kim Walker-Smith. Here is...
Our guests are Bruce and Lara Merz. Bruce's testimony is of God's miraculous healing...
ハロウィーンは悪魔的祝い事だと言うと何人の人が怒るでしょうか? 元悪魔崇拝者で悪魔に25年間仕えて来たジョン・ラミレス兄が言うことには耳を傾けてくれるでしょうか? How many...
David's story of a broken relationship with his father, the sexual brokenness that evolved...
Rescue and rehabilitation of sex trafficking victims in India & Nepal who endure years of...
Patricia King's powerful prophetic word of abundance and prosperity over God's children.
Jill shares how the Spirit of God moved on a woman during a massage she was receiving.
When you come to Jesus, you have a spirit man, burning inside of you. Patricia also shares about...
Angela Greenig on Elijah Streams Take Authority Over the Enemy in Your Life
The journey one couple took as the husband lived as a sex addict and finally found help through...
Come with us as we go and spread the gospel to the Toto tribe in the North East of India
Do you really know Jesus or do you simply suffice to know about Him. He want deep intimacy with...
Shaunti Feldhahn describes the results of research on male-female relationships that could...
Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...
<div> During our Kingdom Alignment Conference we managed to catch up with Johnny Enlow....
Part 5 in the Faith series comes the "Faith of A Centurion". Aaron teaches expounds...
Enseñanzas de diferentes maneras de cómo la confusión homosexual se puede desarrollar y las...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:3 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
The Gift of Faith is the faith of God, God’s own faith, that believers pull on to bring about...
John Perks delivers a powerful message on the power of sowing and reaping
Kevin describes how a spirit of rejection contributed to his homosexual confusion and how Jesus...
Lideres de un ministerio en Hollywood hablan de rescatar fugados, chicos sin hogar y...
A revivalist is a person who lives for the Kingdom. A bond servant willing to lay down his life...
Pastor Craig Buroker is our guest, and we’ll be talking about the release of wealth in the...
Author of The Shack tells his story of sexual abuse on the mission field, father-wounding &...
Myesha shares how it is important to be planted in a church in order to help receive your healing.
ドクター・レニー・マックリーンがクリスチャンとその教会が超自然的な力で動く必要性を語ります。 Dr. Renny McLean talks about the need of the...
Katie shares part 2 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez preaches a message on the armor of God, a...
Former porn actor and sex addict tells his story and discusses the ways that God brings healing...
Chuck discusses his book "The Future War of the Church", watching "with"...
<div> <div>During our Kingdom Alignment conference we caught up with Che Ahn. Here...
A short message by Steve Porter No matter what you are going through..your heart is surrounded...
When you are corrected, take a deep breath and refuse to be rejected. Listen to what people have...
Men often suffer emotional damage from their participation in an abortion. Warren takes a rare...
We'll hear Dick preaching on guarding your heart.
At the close of this interview Aaron Winter has Hamilton Filmalter impart the fire of God onto a...
There is a level in the spiritual and physical where you can dwell above the snakes of the enemy.
ジョシュア・ミルズとパトリシア・キングが神の栄光がどのような形で地上で現され、どうやってその超自然の領域に入ることができるか分かち合います。 Joshua Mills and...
James Goll talks about his walk with God and what an impact it's made on his life.
Craig describe uno de los efectos del trauma infantil, las mentiras que se creen como resultado,...
Open up a whole new level of spiritual intimacy in your life every day! Learn a simple,...
Our guests are Ray and Rosalind MacDonald of LEKET Israel, part 1. Ray and Rosalind are part of...