
"Full Restoration"- Encounter TV- Episode 21

On this episode of Encounter TV David prays for miracles and a recent Encounter Service, a man...

Knowledge is Power

Think through Prayer

Fresh Presence Movement

James Goll shares prophetic insight about the presence of the Lord pouring out over the nations...

「霊・魂・体の調整」 (Dr. Aiko-Spirit Soul Body Alignment)

ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 42

Our guests are Darrin and Daphne Clark of Catch The Fire, Calgary.

La Libertad de la Pornografía - John Bevere

John describe su antigua lucha con la pornografía y revela que Dios lo liberó y evitó que...

Leper Healed - David Hogan Interviewed By Aaron Winter

Aaron Winter learns David Hogan's greatest healing experience was the healing of a leper...

Prepare For The Prodigals

Let the Lord heal and prepare your hearts for the return of the prodigals in your life.

What Do You See For The Church?

If we do what God said, and what He did, we'll have what He promised.

Why Did Jesus Have To Die?

Without a death, there can never be a resurrection!

"True Repentance" - Encounter TV- Episode 23

In this episode of Encounter TV David's brother , Michael Hernandez, preaches a message on...

"Religious Spirits" - Encounter TV: Episode 15

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...