Using his own story as an example, Mario describes the many causal factors and outcomes for...
There are only two sources of supernatural power, evil and divine. Listen as Bobby Conner...
The scripture says that everything is going to be shaking, the Kingdom of God is an unshakable...
Learn how to remove fear and address lack of knowledge where your finances are concerned....
FEARLESS PARENTING presents the biblical guidelines and practical solutions to one of...
Tommy and Jeannie discuss their involvement in the making of the film "One Night With the...
Dr. Aaron Winter reveals how Jesus Christ operated in faith that saw thousands healed &...
Prophecy is a foundation that many believers do not think they can stand on. With this...
Life Coach - Patricia King shares about how often dreams are snatched away for various reasons....
A revivalist is a person who lives for the Kingdom. A bond servant willing to lay down his life...
Brazilian Davy Maia discusses how God gave him his music ministry with the saxophone, the effect...
Dr. Townsend discusses the struggle we have with the pain that God allows in our lives, and how...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw shared about women's issues, ...
Some suggest that the Bible removes the need for believers to hear from God. Watch as David...
John 10:27 - My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
There are gates of hell that open up in your mind, but the bible says they can't effect you...
Iverna's teaching will inspire you to move deeper into the things of God and have a real...
A lady is healed of a torn ligament at a miracle service in Colorado hosted by the healing...
More stories of God's grace, love and power on the mean streets of Hollywood & the work...
At the conclusion of the interview session, Aaron Winter asks David Hogan to pray a prayer of...
1 Cor 2:16 says we have been given the mind of Christ. That means that God is now as close to...
Filmed in beautiful New Wilmington, PA. The Heavenly Bridegroom is waiting for a mature bride....
Clay Crosse was addicted to porn. He & wife Renee tell the story of what Jesus can do to...
<div> What are the seven mountains? How does this message relate to our everyday...
Dr. Mungadze describes his work with sexually broken people utilizing right brain therapy.
Billy Graham's daughter talks about the adultery & abuse that was a part of her first...
Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...
Un hombre casado contrajo el SIDA al inicio de la pandemia y ha sobrevivido con la ayuda de su...
Learn how the Holy Spirit-inspired prayer in Ephesians reveals God's desire to fill you...
自分を「クリスチャン」と呼ぶ全ての人へのメッセージです。 This is a message for those who call themselves...
Kay speaks frankly about her life of adultery before Christ and the power of God that forgave...
Billy Graham's daughter talks about the adultery and abuse that was a part of her first two...
Todd explains how it works when you see and do what you see the Father do.
We pursue God’s gifts because we love Him. Desire the spiritual gifts because He’s going to...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
Use the weapon of peace to crush satan under your feet! How to deal with the enemy when he comes...
Our soul is the area that makes all of our decisions. The scripture says God saves the spirit,...
Patricia shares tips on the power of focus and how to press through distractions and become a...
Cindy Jacobs shares an experience with her family that proves the power of persistent prayer....
Aaron Winter asks David Hogan to talk about "The Power of The Gospel"
Do you know what your destiny is? How do you accomplish the the goals that you set yourself?
La jornada que tomó Russ a través de la soledad y el rechazo. Buscó encuentros de pornografía y...
Receive grace from the Lord that will sustain you for everything that you are going through.
Part 1- Aaron uses both scripture and everyday items to give us a working definition to what...
A video highlighting the healing ministry of David Diga Hernandez.
A fragrance will come from our lives and this sweet aroma will inspire others to also seek God...
When your life on earth is complete, all that’s left is whatever you have built in the secret...
The purpose of water baptism is that we are acknowledging that we identify with the death,...
Our guests today are Antonio Baldovinos and Braden Scharfenberg of Global Prayer House...
This woman came hundreds of miles to our service to be healed of terminal cancer. She was...
Cry out. It may still be dark, but sing anyway, know that the twilight will break open to reveal...
This miracle will increase your faith for whatever miracle you are believing for. God is good!
Katie has traveled all over the country collecting hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
Usando su propio testimonio, Steve habla sobre la pornografía, homosexualidad y el abuso...
Enseñanza bíblica sobre el diseño de Dios para el sexo, disponible para todo el que vuelva su...
Answers the tough questions concerning pornography, masturbation, and oral & anal sex.
Dr. Aiko shares what it means to be molded and shaped by the Lord when we are on the Potters Wheel.
Part 2 of the series “Faith to Move Mountains” Aaron reveals everyone has been given a measure...
David tells the story of his own sexual abuse as a child and the resultant use of underaged porn...
There are people that God will bring into your life, not necessarily to stroke you, but some of...
Myesha shares how it is important to be planted in a church in order to help receive your healing.
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
Patricia King teaches how the works that Jesus did, all believers can do. He gave some as...
In part 1 of the interview David Hogan tells Aaron Winter about the most bizarre and life...
Confusión de la homosexualidad en la infancia, contracción del SIDA, reconciliación con Dios y...
The way that inner healing and deliverance contributes to freedom from sexual sin.
When hard things happen, unless we know how to take our feelings to the Lord, we end up with...
La autora de Door of Hope cuenta su historia de abuso sexual, como Dios la sanó, and los efectos...
Graham Cooke addresses the difference between false prophecy and poor prophecy.
God is preparing His people to become the Bride of His beloved Son and this excellent book will...
Jon McKenzie works with hard men and he shares how releasing the power of God in the work place...
Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...
Do you want boldness to go out on the streets and direct the lost to Jesus, Then come to Revival...
Graham speaks of the prophetic season of grace we are in prior to the Books being opened....
Bishop Jackson calls for righteousness and justice in both political parties. His message at...
Un ex-actor porno y adicto sexual cuenta su historia y discute las maneras en las que Dios...
Here is an overview of the work that Revival Fires support at Papa's House in north east of...
Our guests are Ray and Rosalind MacDonald of LEKET Israel, part 1. Ray and Rosalind are part of...
Aaron Winter learns David Hogan's greatest healing experience was the healing of a leper...
Jeff tells his story of growing up gay in the church and the battle that ensued between his...
Жизнь женщин наркоман секса и, как Бог может установить людей бесплатно.
God is looking for people who are willing to start new things and willing to take risk. Patricia...
Walter Heyer relates his fascinating life story while detailing the causes and effects of gender...
Mike gives an excellent teaching on how to walk away from the wound of rejection in order to...
Joshua Mills shares his testimony about the many miracles he has witnessed.
Continue to soak in the truths about how God imparts favor and influence your world for Him! ...
When we're in His arms, we see things from our Father's perspective and we will walk...
Nate shares his journey from porn addict to brother in Christ with other fellow strugglers.
Reflections taken from a message from Steve Porter on Lukewarmness in the Church and the cure!
Patricia King speaks on watching the condition of your heart and ways to change if it's...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
A powerful story of living a double life while growing up lesbian in the black church, finally...
Peter clears up a common misunderstanding of John 8:31-32 and shows how sexually broken people...
Dr. Henslin discute como un daño en el cerebro a través de un trauma lleva al control de los...
Bobby addresses who and why people go to hell. God is looking for volunteer lovers. Will you be...
Patricia King and Lou Engle release prophetic insights for the coming year.
This video will help you to walk in the true authority of the believer where nothing shall harm...
Todd White reveals how God is raising up a new breed of Christian, who will not compromise His...
Pastor Steve Berger teaches on the biblical model for finding freedom from sexual sin.
ジョン・ビビアがポルノ中毒に陥っていた時に、神から受けた啓示によって解放されたいきさつを赤裸々に正直に証しています。 John describes his previous...
Patricia King shares about the power of revival and the importance of the prophetic in the midst...
More on soul ties, family curses, forgiveness, the authority of the believer, and demonic...
This video will show you how to add videos, audios, and articles to your favorites list. This...
John Mark discusses how he was shown the impending Katrina disaster in the New Orleans area, and...
The second heaven is a spiritual realm and kingdom that satan has set up for himself. He rules...
An compelling teaching on how to turn strongholds that were meant to defeat you into strengths...
During this Christmas season don't forget about the gifts inside of you by focusing on the...
Love keeps no record of wrongs. As we become more like Jesus, we have to let go of past hurts...
How the revelation of the true identity and authority of the believer, by faith, can set and...
Going through rough trials and circumstances? Find your rest by trusting in who God is and that...
An absolutely amazing song by Sharon Baker taken off the Heavenly Encounters album.
Your past is covered by the Blood. God sees you as His child. When you believe your foundation...
Todd White and Patricia King talk about the healings and miracles happening out on the streets...
During our recent Prophetic Seers Conference we managed to catch up with Bobby Conner. Listen as...
「神の声」とはどんなものでしょうか?ニューワインインターナショナルのジョシュア・ミルズが神の声がどのようなものかを教えています。 Listen as Joshua teaches what...
El autor de La Cabaña habla de su abuso en el campo misionero, ser lastimado por su padre, y su...
【映画俳優・億万長者の救い・富の移行・知識の言葉のパワー!】ショーン・ボルツ預言の力 Testimonies of movie stars and billionaires'...
How can you hear the voice of God? David dispels mystical misconceptions and lays out practical...
Information on how to partner with David Diga Hernandez in the evangelistic healing ministry.
Watch this amazing testimony how God delivered a young girl from purging 27 times a day. Stay...
Broke and hopeless, Harmony becomes a top stripper before finding the man who truly loves her -...
Come with us as we go and spread the gospel to the Toto tribe in the North East of India
Open up a whole new level of spiritual intimacy in your life every day! Learn a simple,...
How stress affects us and what natural medicine can do about it. Adrenal deficiency.
The story of two families and the different kinds of dramatic struggles that can ensue when your...
It's important to be in tune with the Holy Spirit because it could be life or death for...
Supplementing the rescue of children who have been entrapped by the sex slave industry by...
Craig describe uno de los efectos del trauma infantil, las mentiras que se creen como resultado,...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
The way that inner healing and deliverance contributes to freedom from sexual sin.
How the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to ungodliness and to be eager to...
During "The Encounter Conference" Dr. Aaron Winter explains how the Kingdom of God and...
Jill shares how dreams, visions and the supernatural realm intersects with our everyday lives.
Interview taped at the Voice of the Prophets conference in Harrisburg, PA
We love Him - and others - because He first loves us. See how to be healed from a love...
Patricia King's powerful message on how to receive the fullness of His generosity
Our guests today are Bruce and Lara Merz, part 2. Inspirational programming consisting of...
The story of a man who was molested by a male and female during his childhood and the great...
Katie finishes up her teaching series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains how...
Dr. Aaron Winter talks about the bold and tenacious faith of a Canaanite Woman.
When a Youth Group in Ohope, New Zealand, experiences encounters with God, nothing stays the same!
David tells his story of major sexual brokenness and how God brings healing through intimacy,...
Healing testimony from our Healing School in Hawthorne, CA. Be encouraged -- Jesus can heal all...
Hurting people are asking desperate questions but they're not talking to family, friends,...
On this episode of Encounter TV David prays for miracles and a recent Encounter Service, a man...
Steve Porter "Let my words be like the clapping of thunder, that Satan's kingdom would...
Patricia King's dad shares nuggets that has caused him success and happiness in life.
The journey one couple took as the husband lived as a sex addict and finally found help through...
God wants you to hear and know His voice so other people will know that He is real!
Our guests again are Al and Terry Purvis, and we'll be discussing missions and the role of...
Fear can kill you. It can also delay what God wants to do through your life. Learn how to get...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your...
James Goll talks about his passion for God and shares miracles he's personally experienced.
仕事でも執筆でも世的に大成功を収めたアンドリュー・ソベル。 荒れた生活を送り苦しんでいた息子の人生が激変したことによって、 彼が見い出し得たものは何だったのか・・・? Andrew...
The idea of writing a book can be such a challenge to even consider, that for those who have...
Many of you have been in a difficult season of loss. The word of the Lord is for you is to go...
Dick is speaking about past revivals and what is coming. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert,...
Remove the obsticles that are attempting to stand in the way of your purpose and passion!...
David describes the events in his life that took him far from God, including moral depravity...