Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
When you are corrected, take a deep breath and refuse to be rejected. Listen to what people have...
「神の声」とはどんなものでしょうか?ニューワインインターナショナルのジョシュア・ミルズが神の声がどのようなものかを教えています。 Listen as Joshua teaches what...
In 1909, there was a prophetic word about the glory of the Lord in 100 years - that time is now!
Do you know God as Father.... as Daddy? This message by Steve Porter will touch your heart as...
Dick is teaching about the signs that Jesus said would happen in our generation. For more on...
Annie talks about her years as a high class prostitute, how Jesus rescued her from certain death...
How the revelation of the true identity and authority of the believer, by faith, can set and...
Gènesis 1 revela que el propòsito eterno de Dios es transformarte y hacerte conforme a su...
Part 5 in the Faith series comes the "Faith of A Centurion". Aaron teaches expounds...
Our guest today is Charlotte Quist, part 2. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check out...
The poverty spirit seeps into the soul. Cindy Jacobs shares how to move past the spirit of lack...
One of the first pastors to open his church to people with AIDS, who now ministers worldwide.
Abraham y Moises representan las dos formas de hacerse justo delante de Dios: por las obras de...
The Riveras discuss following the flow of the Holy Spirit in prophetic worship vs. "worship...
We ministered on the streets of Leeds, England. We prayed for these two girls who were...
The touching story of a sexually abused young girl who became a prostitute before finding her...
Iverna shares a testimony of the Holy Spirit's power, how it moves and what occurs when it...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, people are...
Souls saved in Ensenada at an evangelistic miracle service hosted by David Diga Hernandez.
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw shared about women's issues, ...
A fragrance will come from our lives and this sweet aroma will inspire others to also seek God...
Do you feel like you have been waiting forever for your dreams to come to pass? Steve Porter...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
More healing testimonies from Brazil with Randy Clark and Global Awakening.
This video will help you to walk in the true authority of the believer where nothing shall harm...
Pastor Che' Ahn addresses some recent words spoken over California in this episode of The...
Patricia shares a tool with you about dream boarding. This tool will help you get the vision...
Reaching out to prostitutes & sex trafficking victims in Atlanta. Features 4 of the...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
The desire of Gods heart is to be known & loved for who He is. He values relationship, &...
My friend Kevin Zadai died and has a message burning in him to share with us! Get ready to...
Enseñanzas de diferentes maneras de cómo la confusión homosexual se puede desarrollar y las...
Benji Alexander shares his amazing experiences of miracles on the streets of New Zealand in this...
A personal testimony of sex addiction and journey to healing through the power of Jesus Christ.
The very thing you thought disqualified you is exactly what God may use. Watch this powerful...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
The word "praise" means to shine forth light. Therefore when you praise, it changes...
Patricia King's powerful message on knowing who you are and standing firm in times of trial
In her New York Times bestsellers Going Rogue and America by Heart, Sarah Palin revealed the...
We are living in a season where we can reclaim what has been stolen from us.
Foundational Training on Healing The Sick A specialized instruction course for believers to lay...
This program explores the world of the male prostitute, featuring the work of Emmaus Ministries...
Skyler & Kim discuss which is more important when worshipping God. Worship or a perfectly...
How the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to ungodliness and to be eager to...
Iverna teaches on what prophecy is, how it works, and how to recognize the real thing? Edify...
What is an angelic visitation? Are you being visited by angels and not realising it?
You can NOT afford to be biter. This is not a day to hold grudges. Forgive those who trespass...
A lady is healed of a torn ligament at a miracle service in Colorado hosted by the healing...
God is calling His modern-day church to be built on the foundation of the apostles &...
<div> God is raising up Davids in this nation today. What are the implications to...
Childhood homosexual confusion, eventual contraction of the AIDS virus, reconciliation with God...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
The Chavdas discuss insights into their 30 years of ministry together, the keys to success for...
Robert Hotchkin on how Christians are to live in midst of turmoil.
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
A short message by Steve Porter No matter what you are going through..your heart is surrounded...
How do we react when we are hurt? Danny Silk explains a revolutionary concept in dealing with hurt.
Bishop Jackson calls for righteousness and justice in both political parties. His message at...
Un hombre casado contrajo el SIDA al inicio de la pandemia y ha sobrevivido con la ayuda de su...
The testimony of a woman who unknowingly married a homosexual man and who now runs a ministry to...
Clay Crosse was addicted to porn. He & wife Renee tell the story of what Jesus can do to...
The key role that performance-orientation plays in the life of an addict and how God can set...
Dr. Aaron Winter exposes roots of unbelief and how to handle unbelief when it comes your way.
Kevin describes how a spirit of rejection contributed to his homosexual confusion and how Jesus...
Dr. Townsend discusses the struggle we have with the pain that God allows in our lives, and how...
Una increíble enseñanza acerca de la sanidad y la causa de heridas paternales y otros aspectos...
5 ways to position yourself under the cloud of glory in the coming year.
When the Bible says that out of your mouth comes life or death what does that actually mean?
Todd White teaches a woman to pray for divine healing for her sister's brain tumor and...
This woman was driven for hours to our healing meetings in Malabar, Florida. She had a broken...
Jill shares how dreams, visions and the supernatural realm intersects with our everyday lives.
David describes the nature of bondage to pornography and masturbation and how God sets the...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
ジョシュア・ミルズとパトリシア・キングが神の栄光がどのような形で地上で現され、どうやってその超自然の領域に入ることができるか分かち合います。 Joshua Mills and...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
Katie finishes up her teaching series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains how...
The signs of the times: earthquakes, uprisings, floods, mysterious animal deaths, signs in...
Patricia discusses: Who is our king? What kingdom do we live in? Her DVD "Revival of...
This episode is Part 4 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
God has called us to a serious business! The business of taking the gospel to those who have...
Loss is loss, but greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! If you want the...
Aaron Winter learns David Hogan's greatest healing experience was the healing of a leper...
The question is presented to Dr. Clarice Fluitt "Does God call women to preach?"
Patricia King reveals five keys to refresh your spirit in times of trial.
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez completes his message from Huntington...
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:5 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
We are all saved by grace. You can't earn it, you can't work for it. God gives it to...
Heidi relata historias del rescate de chicos sexualmente dañados en África y el poder curativo y...
What is the true origin of the Easter celebration? Why do we celebrate Easter by giving Easter...
The Chavdas discuss the Holy Spirit, "power from on high", religious traditions, the...
Kat shares her testimony and how God started preparing her at an early age for supernatural...
Mark discusses how the prophetic can help people discover who they are and what their destiny...
Continue to soak in the truths about how God imparts favor and influence your world for Him! ...
La iglesia de Jesucristo tiene un futuro brillante, un futuro de victoria y crecimiento.
Jeff cuenta su historia de su crecimiento como gay en la iglesia y la batalla que tuvo entre su...
Let God remove the veils from your mind so you can see the new things He is trying to bring into...
El Dr. Brown ve directamente a la cámara y contesta las preguntas más difíciles que pueden hacer...
Iverna's teaching will inspire you to move deeper into the things of God and have a real...
La autora de Door of Hope cuenta su historia de abuso sexual, como Dios la sanó, and los efectos...
How do we step into the promise, see Jesus with our own eyes and become sons of the living God?
パトリシア・キングと元イスラム教徒で現在牧師のファイサル・マリックが宗教の霊とは何か、またどのようにしてこの霊に打ち勝つことができるか教えます。 Patricia King and...
Angela discloses the horrors that she experienced at the hand of a sexually perverse &...
Short video on the history, present day and future of Randy Clark and the Apostolic Network of...
Paul tells his story of being sexually abused on the mission field from the age of 4 by the...
Uno de los primeros pastores en abrirle las puertas de su iglesia a personas con SIDA, quien...
Lee reveals the story of early exposure to porn, sexual abuse as a teenager and the marriage...
This woman was dramatically healed in the foyer of the church with a degenerated knee. She...
Serving idols will leave you idle. David exposes one of the greatest idols in the church world...
Iris Ministries Missionary telling her stories. Based in Sudan. Story of protection and...
Keeran shares his thoughts about what bully's look like and what a child should do if it...
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. God watches as they go forth. You have the power to...
Who is the Angel of Breakthrough? Why is he here today? What is he preparing us for?
Jesus came to preach the Kingdom's domain alerting the body to WAKE UP. The old prophetic...
This was a message to inspire people that you are God's messenger, sent from Almighty God...
Ian Johnson shares how we can make the transition from a powerless Christianity to a dynamic...
Stop using Satan's bat to beat yourself up - there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus
Learn how the Holy Spirit-inspired prayer in Ephesians reveals God's desire to fill you...
Patricia King's message on how believers must stand in these times of turmoil
David Diga Hernandez leads a group of spiritually hungry teenagers into God's presence.
As a subscriber, you have a personal profile page. Watch and learn about this benefit!
Kris Vallotton shares the meaning of sex and sexuality that God has given him for this present...
Aaron Walsh, director of Tauranga House of Prayer, shares his vision for what God is doing in...
The testimony of one man who found himself incapable of freedom from sex addiction, until he...
Después de vivir años como actor y modelo en Hollywood, sobrevivir una experiencia cercana a la...
Cómo las heridas de un padre pueden llevar a un estilo de vida inmoral. Dios anhela llevar...
Sheri shares on how fathers have sometimes been made redundant in family life and how we as...
Are the odds stacked against you? Watch ' Arise with Susan' and crush those odds!...
Steve Porter preaches on TBN South Africa in East London. He shares about the "Secret...
Steve completes this outstanding examination of the provision that God has made for our victory...
Curt discusses loving those who hate Israel, celebrating the Biblical feasts, "one new...
During our recent Secret Place Conference Paul Keith Davis shared with us the message of...
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" part 2 - Prophetic Purpose for the United...
2014 will be greater than 2013, but it will not be near as great as 2015! I believe that in 2014...
People come to me to become their life coach because they have a dream that they haven't...
Author of <em>On the Threshold of Hope</em> unveils the healing process for someone...
Kay unveils the biblical teaching on God's design for sex and how it is available to...
Clayton continues to describe the rescue of lost kids in Hollywood. Includes testimonies from a...
The word says that we were born in the image of God and in their likeness. Did you know you were...
Katie shares part 4 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
The scripture says that everything is going to be shaking, the Kingdom of God is an unshakable...
El mundo único de la adicción sexual femenina y las maneras en que una chica puede desarrollar...
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
This young girl is healed and seeing now without pupils. Astonishing miracle.
The Healing School series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelation! Learn how demonic kings...
Katie has traveled all over the country collecting hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
Biblical teaching on God's design for sex, available to anyone who will turn their life...
Patricia King speaks on watching the condition of your heart and ways to change if it's...
Joan Hunter teaches on letting go of the pass hurts & failures to step into what God has...
Paul tells his story of being sexually abused on the mission field from the age of 4 by the...
Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry of Southside...
Expect prophetic solutions. Ask God for them because once you have that vision from God, it can...
Jesus Christ has paid the price for every sin man would ever commit. His love has completely...
When you are corrected, take a deep breath and refuse to be rejected. Listen to what people have...
I'm persuaded that we're moving more into a realm of Incarnational Christianity. The...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...