In this article, the dare to go deeper with God continues. With this invitation, God calls us...
How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit & the Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Is the Bible the Only Trustworthy Source of Truth?
Charismatic witchcraft is when people use the power of prayer or a spiritual gift to force their...
Inner Healing Prayer Heals The Painful Scenes In Your Heart and Mind
Teaming Up for Deliverance: A Prophet & Teacher Minister Together
New strategies, some by Preparing for disaster by floods, some by holding prayer events in...
Are You Experiencing 20/20 Vision?
Rivers of Living Water Flow… Healing, Lifting and Nourishing – Journaling by Mary Goebel
Can Unsaved Children Hear God’s Voice?
Combining the Word and the Spirit
You Can Hear God's Voice!
Spiritual Songs to Heal Hurting People
God's voice applied to all of life
Good Friday through Easter Sunday is an amazing time of year for Christians. As you position...
From the book: Seed Truths-From Genesis to Revelation
There is more than one way to pray, however, “If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks...
How I Learned It Is Right to Commission Angels
Must I Work Hard To Be Successful?
Cyndi Foster explains how to count our trials as joy.
Cyndi Foster explains what it means to bind up the brokenhearted.
New Creation Celebration Devotionals Guide You Into Experiencing Daily Spiritual Transformations
In the very near future, there's coming a time when the glory of God will come into...
Man was created to have fellowship with God; but, because of his stubborn self-will, he chose to...
Angels Being Sent NOW to Fight For Our Freedom By Rev. Peg Yarbrough
Living in Rest Requires Living at Peace with Myself and Others