look at the places where your life, hopes and dreams are being stolen, where they are being...
intercession, types, apostolic, bridal, church, family, crisis, financial, governmental, issues,...
God speaks in metaphors, The Old Testament-through prophetic dreams and visions, the New...
Discovering Your Assignment from God - Patti's Story of Building a Christian Library
God is revealing Himself, restoring immediacy relationship with Him, not simply business...
It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!
from the book Seed Truths: From Genesis to Revelation
After Three Decades Suffering from Poor Digestion, One Year of Focused Effort Brings Breakthrough!
Get OFF the Fence!
On February 14th, 2014, Valentine's Day, heaven gave a shout as Bob Jones, prophetic Papa...
Un capìtulo del libro Semillas de Verdad: Desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis
Victory Over Cancer - Learn How to Avoid Cancer
Wade Taylor had something special. He had a unique walk with His God, he carried the manifest...
The Lord wants you to live in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. He deeply...
Take God’s Medicine Three Times a Day
A revival is on its way and it will have a global impact and reach. Get ready! Prepare the way...
Don’t Let Your House Be Blown Down In This Storm - BE FIERCE IN THE FRAY
From the book: Seed Truths-From Genesis to Revelation
Inner Healing for an Organ Prayer Worksheet
Shawn Bolz Interviews Mark Virkler on "Exploring the Prophetic" Vodcast
darkest before the dawn, hearts are full of faith, Great Awakening soon to sweep across our...
when we serve mammon, trust in the false security of worldly wealth instead of the sure...
The Lord’s Supper – Symbol or Sacrament?
The Angel’s Sword
Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 1 of 3
Waves of Compassion in an Ocean of Love
Rosh Hashanah, Hebrew New Year 5768, The number 8, new beginnings,