the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, heaven\'s...
Does Heart Surgery Cause the Heart to Pick Up a Spirit of Fear?
“If you’ve run with the footman and he hath wearied thee (Jer.12:5)…” If you can’t handle things...
Lives Impacted by Learning to Hear God's Voice
Dream Gifts: How to Receive a Word of Knowledge While You Sleep
Dios Quiere Que Conozcas Su Corazòn
waiting upon the Lord is a vital part of intercession, vital, hearing, plan and strategy, wait...
“Lord, if there could be a place where you could be who you want to be, and do what you want to...
Be Part of the Reformation - Introduce People to This Free Training on Hearing God's Voice
Why Repeating Healing Prayers Releases MORE of God’s Healing Power
Angel of Light?
How to Move from Judgment to Compassion
The kingdoms of the world are being shaken, we are of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, secure in...
Children in Six Orphanages in Chiangmai, Thailand Learn to Hear God’s Voice
Angels at the Dentist + New Podcast & Upcoming Events
Discussion on the power and value of modern-day encounters with Him.
Ezekiel lived and prophesied during the darkest days of Israel. The Word of the Lord through him...
Can you tell Him, Here I am Lord – Can you say to Him, You’ve found me, a willing vessel,...
God has always spoken to mankind through mysterious dreams which are in the realm of the Spirit....
You will be surprised at how quickly things can turn around for you if you start eating that...
Do you desire to accelerate in your personal growth and development? Are you ready to see...
generation facing issues, we don’t know how to enter in, But we can reach towards the heavens,...
Where Do I Find Expert Health Advice I Can Trust?
Quotes From The Book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit Born Emotions
This is the Year of DOUBLES. Expect your capacity to love to increase. Your spiritual and...
The Power of Blessing - Part 2
Introducing Ken and Sylvia Thornberg and Freedom Encounters