What Is the MOST EFFECTIVE Way to Experience Prayers That Heal the Heart?
I cannot take my eyes off you - Journaling by Linda Garmon
News Items That Caught My Interest During The Week of 7/4/21
Rise Up and Take a Stand for Me Journaling by Rev. Eric McCracken
This past Friday I wrote my last line, placed my last piece of footage on my editing timeline, a...
Angel Diaries: Daniel 10
Tweak It and Try It Again! (Learning to Live in the Supernatural) By Keith Luker
As I Travel God’s Highway, Revelation Is Ever Brighter
Angels We Have Heard on High
Don Paprocky Trains Pastors to Hear God's Voice - Let His Story Inspire You to Spread Revival!
The River of Life - Journaling by George Strawbridge
“I Don’t Push Salvation Because It’s Not the Ministry Focus God Has Given Me”
how to know that a hurt is FULLY HEALED!
Brokenness Healed Through Words of Knowledge
Prayer Worksheet to Resolve Brokenness Using Words of Knowledge
The reason we are still in captivity is… (Answer is straight from Scripture)
Rev. Don Paprocky is HIGHLY recommended as a Zoom counselor or seminar speaker
Malachi’s Recorder Angels
Peg Yarbrough's Spirit-Led Approach to Healing
People are bound up in sorrow grief and fear. The answer for that is JOY. End time awakening and...
My Tribute to Dr. Yonggi Cho
It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!
Healing Emotional Trauma Is Foundational to Restoring Health
Wendy Alec's prophetic word for America.
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to...
Children in Six Orphanages in Chiangmai, Thailand Learn to Hear God’s Voice