Categories / Definitions
Understanding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit - The Speaking, or Vocal Gifts - The Hearing, or...
9 Gifts for Every Believer
We should earnestly desire and seek to excel in all of these wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit...
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
Getting to know the Holy Spirit and how He functions in power throughout the Bible, in the...
Receiving The Holy Spirit
Receiving the baptism by Jesus into the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other...
Does God Heal Today?
Understanding God's view of sickness, disease, pain and its source, positions us to boldly...
Is Healing in Our Salvation?
Isaiah reveals that Jesus not only bore our sins, but also our infirmities and pains as part of...
He Did It ... We Can Too!
As a man, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus healed every sickness and disease and...
Walking Sticks of Dynamite
A demonstration of God's healing power and how you can receive and minister God's...
Me? Lay Hands on People?
Practical instructions on how to release God's healing power to flow by laying our hands on...
Do it! Be A Wet Water Walker!
Are you a wet water walker or dry boat sitter? Join Peter and walk on the water of supernatural!
Healing Through Action/Prayer
Understanding the importance of bold actions and praying God's Word in faith and agreement...
There's Healing in the Sound
During the Mountain Top Encounter, Joshua Mills taught on the power of praise. There is Healing...