Walking in Authority
Discover how you can quit losing and start winning every battle of life by this revelation of...
We Must Talk Like Kings!
It's time to renew our minds. It's time to think like and act like Kings. Kings rule,...
Who Has Authority Now?
God - Satan - or Mankind? Adam and Eve surrendered their authority to Satan, but Jesus won it back!
Jesus - The Last Adam
Jesus came to earth as the Last Adam and did everything the first Adam was to do. He became our...
Jesus Walked in Authority
Jesus is our example! He moved in the authority that had been given to the first Adam
Jesus Waits for Us
The work of Jesus is complete! Now He is waiting for the church to do its job. All creation...
Jesus Restored Our Authority
Through His death and resurrection, Jesus took back the keys of authority.
Get Off the Fence!
When is Jesus coming back? When we get our job done! Let's stop cowering behind the wall...
Understand Your Rights in God
Understanding our rights and privileges as new creations in Jesus will free us from fear and...
Satan's Strategies Today
Satan's strategy has never changed. He always comes to deceive, destroy, and kill. But we...