
Reminding us to have faith like a child, Todd White shares testimony of the healing power of God throughout the earth. While sharing the gospel of Jesus everywhere he goes, through Todd God grabs the attention of people with miracles,signs,& wonders.

Street Evangelism

Man gets touched by the power of God

Dan Mohler Interview Pt 1

Global Awakening interviews Pastor Dan Mohler.

A New Breed of Christian

Todd shares how God is drawing people with such a strong love and presence, so they live...

Big Tent Session #3 Todd White

Todd White's testimony rocked the house. A must see!

Big Tent Session #3 Todd White

Todd White's testimony rocked the house. A must see!


Jesus has equipped us to go into all the world and move in His presence and power!  In this...

A New Breed of Christian

Todd shares how God is drawing people with such a strong love and presence, so they live...

Big Tent Session #6 Todd White

Big Tent Event Session #6 with Todd White. Prepare to walk in the power of God!

Lifestyle Evangelism

Do you have a hard time talking to friends, loved ones, or strangers about God, but know it’s...