Get Off the Fence!
When is Jesus coming back? When we get our job done! Let's stop cowering behind the wall...
"Blessings & Testings"#1
This is an awesome Prophetic Word for 2010... The Lord is choosing His Bride!
God's Ravished Heart
God is preparing His people to become the Bride of His beloved Son and this excellent book will...
Hosea's Bride Revival
Randy DeMain speaks about the brides revival that is taking place in this day and hour.
Such a Time As This
Bobby Conner shares about the times we are in and how to prepare for what the future holds.
Foolish Virgins
Filmed in beautiful New Wilmington, PA. The Heavenly Bridegroom is waiting for a mature bride....
Hosea's Bride Revival
Randy DeMain speaks about the brides revival that is taking place in this day and hour.
Preparation For The Times
Randy shares important information answering many questions about issues the earth is facing in...
Joshua Mills Interview
Randy DeMain Interviews Joshua Mills about ministry, and what he sees the Lord doing in this...
Timothy Sherman Interview
Randy DeMain talks with Timothy Sherman about his ministry and what direction he feels the Lord...
Preparation For The Times
Randy shares important information answering many questions about issues the earth is facing in...
Economic Calamity
Randy shares a foundation of where global economy is currently and ways to prepare for the days...
Strange Sounds
Randy answers questions being asked of him about the strange noises and sounds going on around...
2012 Elections
It's important to return to righteousness. We must elect a candidate who sticks to the...
Kat Answers Questions About Heaven
Kat addresses a lot of questions that people have sent in to her about heaven.
Reality Of Heaven
Here this amazing testimony of Kat Kerr who has been going to heaven since 1995. Yes Heaven is...