Quantum Healing
Dr. David Van Koevering explains the way God created the universe. As he shares, you will gain...
Live in Peace
Graham Cooke joins Patricia King to share keys the Lord has given him on how to overcome stress...
Satan's Lessons For Adam
Patricia shares directives by Shirley Ross, about a vision she had called Deceive, Divide,...
You Never Really Die
Lisa Buldo shares a revelation given to her by God about how you never really die -- you just...
Thoughts On Women Preachers
The question is presented to Dr. Clarice Fluitt "Does God call women to preach?"
Angel Stories
Patricia King is joined by director Jon Nixon to talk about angels, what purpose they serve, and...
Three Brains
Dr. Aiko Hormann joins Patricia King to share the scientific evidence that each of us actually...
The Angelic Realm
The Bible promises that God’s angels are all around you, learn to discern their presence and...
Oneness With God
Oneness with God is a profound revelation. Dr. Aiko shares the testimony of her first experience...
Shattered Dreams - Fragmented Soul
When we feel shattered thru trauma or bad experiences, they can often fragment our souls. Listen...