Pastor Missy: 'Gifts of Healing: Faith Brings Healing'
Pastor Missy continues teaching on the Gifts Of Healing. Through 2 examples we understand that...
The Spiritual Weather Channel
Learn how to walk thru the storm and remain steady on your feet.
Resurrection Day 2014
Love Gospel Church's Easter Service that focuses on the Resurrection power of God at work...
Supernatural is Natural
Enjoy amazing teaching and testimonies of how signs and wonders are becoming the norm.
Pastor Missy Beik teaches on: 'How The Devil Steals'
Pastor Missy teaches from John 10:10, the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy us. He started...
Angelic Intervention Part 1
Angelic Intervention Through Intercession Pt 1 - This is an insightful and practical teaching on...
Blessing I Will Bless
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explores the phrase blessing I will bless in the...
Prayer Storm DNA Part 2
James shares on the reality that the intercessor shapes the future.
The Power of E
Joan was invited to share with the International Coalition of Apostles and Leaders in Dallas,...
You Are His Temple
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains the symbolism behind the temple and how we...
Power of Prayer Part 1
Given to students at a bible college in NW PA on the subject of prayer and devotion.
Sound of Heaven
Before the throne is a sound only found in the atmosphere of heaven, but did you know we can...
Responding Biblically to Social Issues
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, teaches how to respond to the social issues of...
A New Resolve For America
There is a crack in the moral foundation of America. It has nothing to do with the Government...
Dr. Lance Wallnau DBS1
Dr. Lance Wallnau speaks during session 1 of the Doing Business Supernaturally conference.
Holy Spirit for You
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, explains that one of the reasons Holy Spirit has...
Dr. Lance Wallnau DBS2
Dr. Lance Wallnau speaks during session 2 of the Doing Business Supernaturally conference.