Find God's Treasure in Your Relationships
Looking for God's treasures in your everyday relationships.
The Tabernacle of Moses: Your New Life in Christ
The tabernacle of Moses is a prophetic picture of the new life you will experience in Christ....
The Tabernacle: The Table of Showbread 2
Moses and David both had a holy obsession for the presence of God. When you taste his presence,...
The Tabernacle: The Altar of Incense
The altar of incense represents prayer and worship through day and night.
They Thought for Themselves
Sid Roth shares the supernatural ways the Lord is reaching out to His beloved Jewish people,...
Dream Big
Patricia shares key insights and strategies that will help you step into a life of fulfilled...
Falling To Heaven
Mickey Robinson shares an amazing testimony of the power of God to save and transform a life...
Recognize Your Opportunity
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains without passion there is no power to perform. You and God make a...
Ecstatic Prophecy
Stacey is one of the most powerful prophets of God in the church today, yet there was a time...
Come Into the Ark
Pastor Mike Harding explains at Love Gospel Church how God is a righteous judge. It his love and...
The Spiritual Weather Channel
Learn how to walk thru the storm and remain steady on your feet.
Angelic Intervention Part 2
Angelic Intervention Through Intercession Pt 2 - This is an insightful and practical teaching on...
Blessing I Will Bless
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explores the phrase blessing I will bless in the...
Building a House of Devotion
A special Message Given in Cape Town, South Africa at a Conference
Be Filled with the Spirit
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the seven aspects of the Holy Spirit and...