Christ Formed In You
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, explains how we have Christ in us, but we are also...
Honor and the Goal of True Connection
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how to have a true heart connection with...
Fearless Living_Overcoming a Fear of Death
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his fearless living series with a teaching...
Are You Tired?
Francis Hunter shares a personal testimony of God's healing power during a time in her life...
The Secret of Seeking
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, discusses the value of seeking after God.
Twenty Ways to Get Healed part 4
A teaching on seven more ways to get healed including miracles deliverance, and forgiveness.
How the Devil Tries to Stop the Plans of God
Pastor Missy, through the Word of God brings 3 examples of how the enemy tried to stop the plans...
The Author and Finisher
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares that God has a good plan and destiny for your...
Destined For His Image
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how God intended from the beginning to...
Know the Voice of God
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how to know the voice of God. He explains...
Spiritual Authority and Prayer
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on your spiritual authority and how to use it...
How Much God Loves You
Pastor Missy teaches from Isaiah 43 how much God loves you! See how personal God is and all that...
Steve Porter's Testimony
Steve tells his story much like Joseph: What was meant for evil God meant for Good! From...
New Breed
Patricia King interviews Todd White about the New Breed God is raising up in this generation.
In The Midst
Patricia King interviews Katie Souza about the power and presence of the Lord.
Endtime Economics
A new revelation for the Last Days. God is your provider! Break off all hindering forces...
Proclaim His Goodness part1
Goodness is who God is and when we Proclaim God's goodness we can watch him show up to...