Pastor Missy teaches us through David's experience in Ziklag how to recover all. What God...
Position Yourself
Joan Hunter shares how important it is to not only believe for what God has for you, but to also...
The Power of E
Joan was invited to share with the International Coalition of Apostles and Leaders in Dallas,...
Hunger for the Lord
Iverna Tompkins speaks about the joys of having Jesus meet our every need as we nurture our faith.
Learning Leadership
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how to grow in leadership. Jesus picked...
Three Things that Make You Irresistable to God
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares that humility, tenacious faith, and a deep...
Holy Spirit for Others
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his teaching on The Holy Spirit. He shares...
Conformed To His Image part 1
Genesis 1:26 reveals that God's plan is to conform you to His image - the image of Christ....
The Gift of Discerning of Spirits by Pastor Missy Beik Message 1
Learning how to operate in the Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Prophecy - Julie Meyers & Patricia King
Julie Meyers & Patricia King - America's Big Tent Prophesy
The Face of God
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how God put on a human face in the person...
2013 A Year of Activation part1
A teaching on the Prophetic Word Pastor Mike Harding had concern the year 2013 being a year of...
Jesus Christ, the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how Jesus is our model for living.
Sid Roth Radio Interview Part 2
Sid Roth & Katie Souza Radio Interview Part 2. Katie talks about how Offense can cause...
Jesus Heals the Wounded Soul
Experiences of rejection are the number one cause of a wounded soul. But Jesus came to heal the...
Developing a Prophetic Culture Part 1
How to create a culture that develops the prophetic in a church environment.