There is more than one way to pray, however, “If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks...
Experience Rest by Learning How to Delegate
Does Heart Surgery Cause the Heart to Pick Up a Spirit of Fear?
What will the church of the last days look like, before Jesus comes back? What can we expect?...
DAESI Dream Work Method
God anointed you with the oil of gladness, We are anointed with the Holy Spirit and joy, when we...
Honor people better
Roadblocks Removed on His Highway of Holiness
Satan's Passion to Steal God's Voice from Humanity
entering into a new decade, soon, 2010 and over the next decade, rising up in glory together,...
Does Your Church Have a Safety Program in Place?
confess doubt in my generational line, unstable and has given me double-mindedness, pride in my...
Lord calling us to a new place, lay a foundation for change, Acknowledge the greatness of God,...
Wendy Alec's prophetic word for America.
Bob Jones' Testimony From His August 8, 1976 Death Experience Note from Sandy...
Can you tell Him, Here I am Lord – Can you say to Him, You’ve found me, a willing vessel,...
Free Dreams Crash Course
the Kingdom of God is very vast, yet it is within the heart of the believer. We are called to...
Empowerment PLUS Intimacy Brings Anointed Success
This is the Year of DOUBLES. Expect your capacity to love to increase. Your spiritual and...
The wave of God’s glory that is coming upon the church needs to be released into the Earth...
Is the Bible the Only Trustworthy Source of Truth?
As intercessors use prayer and worship to wrestle with principalities and powers, Christian...
The Time is Now for Oregon Prophecies to be Fulfilled - Blog By Patty Sadallah
Expand by listening to 5-fold counsel
The Big Question – What About Worshiping Angels?
Prophetic Word by Dr. Barbie Breathitt