What God wants is a population boom in the body of Christ, and in order to have that, He has to...
The drawing power of Jesus!
Pt. 4 – Empowered to See
God Cleanses the Atmosphere and Brings Destruction Upon His Enemies
Healing Is Here in My Presence
We’re in the tail end of a prophetic move of God. What WILL BE is being declared and set in...
BLOCKED from LIVING the Bible? Here Is the “MISSING LINK” You've Been Searching For!
Many Use the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Without Calling Them the 4 Keys
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. This is his very nature. Therefore, it is...
Did You Lay Your Hands On The Sick As Commanded?
Peter Foster explains why he believes coaching can help fulfill all that God the Father has...
Kelly, Tim and Kirsten Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Angel Diaries: Daniel 10
New Christian TV series starting in September
Why Do I Have False Positives in My Journaling?
God, What Is Stillness? Journaling by Peter Halvorsen
spiritual warfare
Which Is the Most Accurate Bible Translation to Meditate On?
Take the time to practice until every gift feels natural
A Working Definition of Anointed
Many people in the church have broken lives and have experienced more rejection and pain than...
Praying in “One Accord”
Dream Work 101: Dream Recording Tools
You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. You are not a walking brain. You are...
How Can I Get Closer to God and Experience Forgiveness? Discover the Gospel Plan of Salvation!
Life In The Spirit IS An Extraordinary Life!
The Time is Now for Oregon Prophecies to be Fulfilled - Blog By Patty Sadallah