
Nothing Shall Harm You

This video will help you to walk in the true authority of the believer where nothing shall harm...

Clarice Fluitt - Part 2

Clarice Fluitt - Shatter Your Glass Ceiling

Connected to the Source

Brian and Georgian at the Shift DC. Georgian speaks about the importance of being connected to...

Pt 1 - Freedom from the Flesh

Pastor Steve Berger teaches on the biblical model for finding freedom from sexual sin.

Strategies for Victory

Are you trying to fight a spiritual battle with your own physical strength? Receive strategies...

Clarice Fluitt - Part 1

Clarice Fluitt - Shatter Your Glass Ceiling

Here I Am

Barbie Breathitt encourages us to devote our entire life to God's service and to building...

The Healing School

Ever wonder what a Healing School looks like? Here's a quick look into the life-changing...

What Is Your Gift

During this Christmas season don't forget about the gifts inside of you by focusing on the...

Believe the Impossible 2

Barbie Breathitt calls for a stretching of your faith to believe the impossible.

Staying Powerful

When we make mistakes are we punished for them or kept powerful?

Pt 3 - Freedom from the Flesh

Steve completes this outstanding examination of the provision that God has made for our victory...

Overcoming Failures

Patricia King shares mentoring moments on how to move past failures and gives keys to overcome...

Full Interview with Danny Silk

During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Danny Silk. Here is the interview in full.

Bulgarian-Theology of the Body

Part 2 of how human sexuality was designed to prefigure the marriage of God and redeemed man.

The Spirit of Understanding

Kim shares about the spirit of understanding out of Luke 24:17-25.

Except at My Word!

EXCEPT AT MY WORD! or ACCORDING TO MY WORD! Prophets can never be moved by the need but just...

Heavenly Art And Worldly Art

Heavenly Art And Worldly Art

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