
End Time Angels

Bobby Conner shares stories of personal encounters with angels.

El Sexo Según Dios Pt 2

Enseñanza bíblica sobre el diseño de Dios para el sexo, disponible para todo el que vuelva su...

Second Coming

The Second Coming. Are you ready?

God Is Fabulous Part 1

Listen to this exciting word from Frances Hunter about the goodness of God. This is part 1 of a...

JESUS the BEST chiropractor

Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...

"A Place for You" - Encounter TV- Episode 24

In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez gives a message about his dream of Heaven,...

3 Rivers Into 1: Part One

We are created to live in two realms and to see and hear God’s revelation for today.

ESL Teaching Week 19 - 22 Oct

Renewal & Soaking Week with Brian Long Come drink of the new wine and experience a fresh...

Revival Children

Here is an overview of the work that Revival Fires support at Papa's House in north east of...

Nothing Shall Harm You

This video will help you to walk in the true authority of the believer where nothing shall harm...

Prophetic Words for Rosh Hoshana - Kim Clement

Kim Clement shares prophetic word for Rosh Hoshana New Year.

The Authority of a Believer

Discover what it means to have the Authority of a Believer

Amazing Healing

This miracle will increase your faith for whatever miracle you are believing for. God is good!

Crossing Over

Join Joan in a service where people are healed.

Undiscovered Resources

All power in heaven and earth has been invested in the name of Jesus. That name has been given...

Naturally Supernatural

Jill shares how dreams, visions and the supernatural realm intersects with our everyday lives.

He is always with you

This is a very encouraging word by Steve Porter using a strong prophetic dream the Lord gave him...

Advancing In The Prophetic

Iverna Tompkin's book is a treasure chest of God's wisdom. It opens fresh revelation...

Just In