
Keyword: testimony 324 results Page 21 of 21


Living A Spiritual Life

Jill explains the difference between living a religious life and becoming intimately connected...

Ex-felon shares about Jesus

Katie Souza shares her testimony.

A Massage Testimony

Jill shares how the Spirit of God moved on a woman during a massage she was receiving.

Power Challenges Witches

Bobby Conner receives a word from the Lord to challenge a coven of witches who came to his meeting.

Be Amazed at God's Miracles

Randy shares several testimonies of God's miraculous healing power.

Winds of Change

God validates with signs and wonders what is spoken.

Falling Feathers

How feathers manifested in a meeting to get our attention.

Spinning Winds

God is demonstrating His power through signs and wonders interfering with natural weather patterns.

Raise the Dead

Patricia King shares about raising the dead. Bobby Conner shares a testimony about how his...

Psychics, New Age & Occult

Patrica King and Charlie Robinson share about the the real, the mixture and the false. Bobby...

Walls Plastered with Gold

What happens when gold dust supernaturally covers the walls of a church.

Why God Gives You Dreams

Patricia King teaches on dreams and takes you to the streets to reach the lost by interpreting...

Burning Man

When you come to Jesus, you have a spirit man, burning inside of you. Patricia also shares about...

Burning Man Interview

Patricia King interviews Cindy McGill about creative ways to take the light into the darkness to...