Keyword: Moses 23 results Page 1 of 2
The Tabernacle: Prayers of the Saints
The Altar of Incense symbolizes the prayers of God's people ascending to Heaven. It...
The Tabernacle: The Altar of Incense
The altar of incense represents prayer and worship through day and night.
The Tabernacle: The Table of Showbread 2
Moses and David both had a holy obsession for the presence of God. When you taste his presence,...
The Tabernacle: The Table of Showbread
The table of showbread reveals Jesus as the bread of life- bread that we can freely eat and...
The Tabernacle: The Golden Lampstand
The Golden Lampstand speaks of how the Holy Spirit living in us wants to lead us into all truth...
The Tabernacle: The Bronze Laver
The bronze wash basin of water points us to our new birth experience in the Holy Spirit, and to...
The Tabernacle: The Bronze Altar
The bronze altar of sacrifice points us to the cross of Jesus Christ where our sins are forgiven...
The Tabernacle of Moses: Your New Life in Christ
The tabernacle of Moses is a prophetic picture of the new life you will experience in Christ....
Equipping the Saints-The Tabernacle as a Model for Prayer
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on The tabernacle of Moses as a prayer model. He shares on the...
Avoiding Rebellion -The Price of Leadership'
In Message 5 of the Series Avoiding Rebellion we are taught through Moses the price that...
Pr. Missy on 'How God Deals With Rebellion' Msg. 4
In this fourth part of the series we learn from Numbers 17 how God deals with rebellion and how...
Pastor Missy - How God Deals With Rebellion - Msg.3
In this third teaching we learn through Numbers 16 and 2Chronicles 26:16-23 how God deals with...
Pastor Missy Beik Teaches on : 'How God Deals With Rebellion'
Pastor Missy teaches about how God deals rebellion and its consequences from the passage of...
To Honor Obedience by Pastor Missy Beik
How do you tap into God's glory? This teaching shows how honoring obedience, the altar and...
The Blood Covenant by Pastor Missy Beik
Understand your priestly ministry today through the Blood of Jesus Christ and you will defeat...