-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Our guest today is Rod Hembree, host of Quick Study. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check...
There are times when God lets us meet our match, what our reactions are determine whether...
Jesus Christ has paid the price for every sin man would ever commit. His love has completely...
The bible says that we are to pray for those who have the rule over us. If you don't vote...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
What does God look like? What is His nature? David reveals from scripture, the face of the...
Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry of Southside...
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...
Mark Sandford tells his story of being sexually abused as a child and his subsequent struggle...
Let the Lord heal and prepare your hearts for the return of the prodigals in your life.
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
Doug discusses culturally relevant evangelism, ministry to New Agers and psychics, prophecy and...
Stacey Campbell shares the definition of a miracle and tells stories of miracles she's...
The national coordinator of "Living Waters" - a program for sexually broken people -...
Are you under someones negative perception of you? Shake off this pessimism. Jesus came to...
Jeff Stow talks with Bonnis, 5 months after a deliverence that occurred in the Tipping the...
We are on the verge of a new season in which the Father is going to demonstrate His love in a...
Kat talks about the mystery of death and what happens to Christians when they die.
Russell describes how self-loathing can be forged from a childhood devoid of genuine affirmation...
Iverna Tompkin's message infuses life and hope into your soul to reach your destiny and...
Bobby addresses who and why people go to hell. God is looking for volunteer lovers. Will you be...
How do we step into the promise, see Jesus with our own eyes and become sons of the living God?
Its time to walk through the door of breakthrough that is standing open in front of us.
He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord - Book...
Doug explains some of the meaning behind the most common dreams that we dream.
In the many distractions that come...You can hear the sweet sound of our heavenly bridegroom...
Part 5 in the Faith series comes the "Faith of A Centurion". Aaron teaches expounds...
What is the true origin of the Easter celebration? Why do we celebrate Easter by giving Easter...
Sheri goes into depth regarding a statement that she made during our Love Revolution conference,...
It's time for refreshment! We all need it! 'Arise with Susan' Susan Mimi Cheatham...
How can you hear the voice of God? David dispels mystical misconceptions and lays out practical...
Patricia King's powerful message on how to receive the fullness of His generosity
<div> During our recent Kingdom Alignment conference we managed to catch up with...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares on transformation and the importance of life coaching.
Myesha is healed of heart trouble and generational curses. Listen and receive your healing.
There is a purpose for the current trials you are going through. Take courage, no weapon formed...
Know who you are in the Spirit and step out in Power. You are to go in boldness &...
A boy's crooked feet are made perfectly straight by the healing power of God.
Dr. Aiko Hormann once again joins Patricia King to share some amazing insights about how science...
The unique world of the female sex addict and the ways that a girl can develop a bondage to...
Part 1 of 2. Lance Wallnau talks about Daniel and his God given ability to capitalize on his...
Are you feeling like life is missing something? This powerful artistic message is for you.
Usando su propio testimonio, Steve habla sobre la pornografía, homosexualidad y el abuso...
Dr. Schaumburg describes the difference between the maintenance program that therapy provides...
I'm persuaded that we're moving more into a realm of Incarnational Christianity. The...
Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...
An amazing story of how God recovered a lost knife as a sign and wonder of the season of...
June tells the story of her own sexual abuse as a child and offers advice on how to overcome the...
The word says that we are to posses the land. God wants us to be blessed in every area of our...
A married man who contracted AIDS early in the pandemic and who has survived with the help of...
This video will acquaint you with the section where specific ministry pages are located.
Jonathan talks about the childhood influences that helped mold him into a major sex addict.
Many go through life unfulfilled, unfocused and searching! A blank canvas waiting for a picture...
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
When the Bible says that out of your mouth comes life or death what does that actually mean?
David describes the modern-day "Judas Church" that is arising all around us and which...
Learn how your self-talk & focus can transform you - get into God's Holy Ghost Bootcamp.
We were able to hold this Gospel Campaign right before COVID-19 shut down most of the world. The...
Colette tells how she got involved in helping sex trafficking victims and what she believes...
Many of you have been in a difficult season of loss. The word of the Lord is for you is to go...
He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord - Book...
Deliverance from soul ties, family curses, unforgiveness, and demonic strongholds and on the...
Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin share how God's goodness is available in every circumstance.
The key role that performance-orientation plays in the life of an addict and how God can set...
Do you or someone you know struggle with debt? Ever wondered what God says about debt?
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares Part 2 of a 3 part series regarding the definition of quantum field...
Are are to be Christ in the earth. We need to stop wounding the wounded. Watch now and be...
Our guest is Rob Parker of the National House Of Prayer in Ottawa. He has an amazing story to...
Can anything really change your past? Watch and see.
There is a love cry from God's heart for Israel. I hear the heart of God saying; "Will...
Recently been through a difficult season? Let God remove the layers of hurt, disappointment,...
Iverna Tompkins offers deep wisdom on children and the fascination with the supernatural today. ...
Angela is in a Zoom session with Derrick Gates on 622202 discussing his film From Death and...
Pastor Mike shares a supernatural experience he recently had of 7 spirits of fire.
The apostle Paul visited Heaven and received a revelation of the mystery, the eternal plan and...
Religion is a deadly thing. David exposes religion and speaks freedom from condemnation, guilt...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
"The Soaking Place" is a weekly video webcast, created for those that feel a deep...
Men often suffer emotional damage from their participation in an abortion. Warren takes a rare...
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
God reveals through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph how He desires blessing, prosperity,...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!
The journey one couple took as the husband lived as a sex addict and finally found help through...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
Enjoy this collection of people getting impacted by the love of Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...
During the summer we have been running a play centre here at the ARC. Due to its success we are...
A powerful story of living a double life while growing up lesbian in the black church, finally...
Listen to what you're saying. Does it line up with the word of God? Be careful because the...
Clay Crosse era adicto a la pornografía. El y su esposa Renee cuentan la historia de lo que...
God wants to converse with you! Purchase this amazing teaching at www.revivalfires.org.uk/store
Todd White and Patricia King talk about the healings and miracles happening out on the streets...
Part 1 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...
ドクター・レニー・マックリーンがクリスチャンとその教会が超自然的な力で動く必要性を語ります。 Dr. Renny McLean talks about the need of the...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from tooth enamel being filled in, to tooth pain...
We are all saved by grace. You can't earn it, you can't work for it. God gives it to...
David shares his life of sexual brokenness, salvation and transformation through Jesus Christ.
El problema y la solución al porno y sus comportamientos adjuntos según los principios que...
Our guests today are Ray and Rosalind MacDonald, part 2.
Global Awakening recently invaded the entire city of Dayton, OH with hundreds of volunteers. ...
A video of what God did through the healing ministry of David Diga Hernandez in TJ, Mexico.
Watch as Danny Silk shares about how we are to empower others to walk in the freedom that we have.
The power of God begins to flow tangibly. This footage is from Diga's San Diego Miracle...
Going through rough trials and circumstances? Find your rest by trusting in who God is and that...
Stop subscribing to the negative impressions and mindsets of the enemy.
After living for years as an actor and model in Hollywood, surviving a near-death experience,...
Our guests are Darrin and Daphne Clark of Catch The Fire, Calgary.
Daniel talks about the amazing healing moments that God gave him after his departure from his...
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
How a lack of connection with his father, loneliness and a sensitive temperament led to...
James Goll shares prophetic insight about the presence of the Lord pouring out over the nations...
Like Jesus, you can walk and live by the Spirit! This series trains you how to define and sense...
An absolutely amazing song by Sharon Baker taken off the Heavenly Encounters album.
How the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to ungodliness and to be eager to...
Clay Crosse was addicted to porn. He & wife Renee tell the story of what Jesus can do to...
God is looking for people who are willing to start new things and willing to take risk. Patricia...
Your grandson is in prison. Be encouraged, he's going to learn more in there about God than...
Secrets of His Kingdom. Is 11,importance of knowing Holy Spirit, 7 Spirits of God,Spirit of...
2013-07-07 am Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry...
An compelling teaching on how to turn strongholds that were meant to defeat you into strengths...
Katie will release healing and show you how to position yourself to receive miracles in your own...
Pamela's story of growing up lesbian and what Jesus Christ has done to set her free and to...
Whilst Revival Fires where in Kenya they went on to a tip to feed the people on there. Listen as...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez preaches a message on the armor of God, a...
Revival is easy for God with people who are prepared. Is your heart & life really ready to...
Part 2 of how human sexuality was designed to prefigure the marriage of God and redeemed man.
Don't bury yourself in the sand in November. That is not the solution. It's a...
Patricia King teaches how the works that Jesus did, all believers can do. He gave some as...
During the Easter Season, we celebrate the wondrous sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross and...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
It makes God happy to try our faith. Why? Because without faith it is impossible to please God!
Jill shares a prophetic word for 2007 about a season of refining, sifting and exposure in the...
Come with us as we go and spread the gospel to the Toto tribe in the North East of India
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover....
Watch Dr. Aiko now and learn how to make the left and right hemispheres of the brain harmonize.
Continuing the exploration of the biblical meaning behind God creating us male and female - the...
The very thing you thought disqualified you is exactly what God may use. Watch this powerful...
Kevin describes how a spirit of rejection contributed to his homosexual confusion and how Jesus...
El autor del libro La Cabaña continua contando su historia de cómo fue lastimado por su padre y...
Ex-activista gay y publicista de la Revista Venus le entrega su vida a Jesús y es libre.
How God can set and keep people free from bondage to pornography and other sexual bondages.
John Mark discusses how he was shown the impending Katrina disaster in the New Orleans area, and...
Clay Crosse was addicted to porn. He & wife Renee tell the story of what Jesus can do to...
In this workshop, Peter describes the processes by which Christian leaders fall into sexual sin,...
Jill shares the heart of the heavenly Father concerning what happens when leaders fall into sin.
The Salvation Army has been at the forefront of ministry to sex trafficking victims worldwide...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw shared about women's issues, ...
Steve Porter preaches on TBN South Africa in East London. He shares about the "Secret...
Part 3 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Joshua Mills shares his testimony about the many miracles he has witnessed.
「神の声」とはどんなものでしょうか?ニューワインインターナショナルのジョシュア・ミルズが神の声がどのようなものかを教えています。 Listen as Joshua teaches what...
At the close of this interview Aaron Winter has Hamilton Filmalter impart the fire of God onto a...
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. God watches as they go forth. You have the power to...
Our guests today are Antonio and Christabelle Baldovinos of the Global Prayer House in Medicine...
Dick is speaking about Easter and the power of the cross of Christ.
仕事でも執筆でも世的に大成功を収めたアンドリュー・ソベル。 荒れた生活を送り苦しんでいた息子の人生が激変したことによって、 彼が見い出し得たものは何だったのか・・・? Andrew...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares tips on the importance on life coaching. What it is and why everyone...
When your life on earth is complete, all that’s left is whatever you have built in the secret...
Have difficult circumstances and trials left you hiding out in a cave like the prophet Elijah? ...
More healing testimonies from Brazil with Randy Clark and Global Awakening.
ハロウィーンは悪魔的祝い事だと言うと何人の人が怒るでしょうか? 元悪魔崇拝者で悪魔に25年間仕えて来たジョン・ラミレス兄が言うことには耳を傾けてくれるでしょうか? How many...
In part 1 of the interview David Hogan tells Aaron Winter about the most bizarre and life...
David describes the events in his life that took him far from God, including moral depravity...
Dr. Aiko presents very practical solutions to common everyday problems from a scientific and...