Proverbs, College for Kings part3
A continuation of a teaching of the wisdom of Proverbs. Pastor Mike Harding follows themes of...
Proverbs College for Kings part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses that we are in training to reign as Kings....
Proverbs, College for Kings
A teaching on how Proverbs was written as training for us to reign as Kings in the earth.
A Prosperous Soul
Everything in the spirit realm is obtained by agreements. To have a prosperous soul we have to...
Two Root Systems that will Make You Prosper
Two revelations every Christian must walk in to prosper I am loved and I am righteous.
My Food is to do His Will
When we fall in love with God it is our hunger and desire to do His will.
Walk in the Spirit part4
The Holy Spirit comes in fire when we offer our lives as a sacrifice.
Walk in the Spirit part3
Let the Holy Spirit Fire cleanse you of selfishness so you can be used by God.
Walk in the Spirit part2
A continuation of the discovering the Holy Spirit as our guide, friend, and power source.
Walk in the Spirit
After Jesus went to heaven he sent the Holy Spirit to be our guide, friend, and power source.
What Are you Focused On
Pastor Marcy shares about Focusing on Jesus instead of your circumstances brings the miraculous.
How Did We Get Here part2
A look at God as the creator and miracle maker and Pastor Cris on being rooted and grounded in...
Find God's Treasure in Your Relationships
Looking for God's treasures in your everyday relationships.