Bullet Dissolved
After 30 years with a bullet in his leg, a man is healed and the bullet is totally gone!
Big Tent Session #8 Tony Kemp
Big Tent Event Session #8 with Tony Kemp. Be prepared to enter the miraculous realm!
Big Tent Session #5 Joshua Mills
Big Tent Event Session #5 with Joshua Mills was over the top. Enjoy!
Big Tent Session #5 Joshua Mills
Big Tent Event Session #5 with Joshua Mills was over the top. Enjoy!
Powerful Encounters-God Realm
Powerful Testimonies and Teachings about the supernatural in the God Realm by today's...
2012 W.O.T.F.L Katie Souza
Katie Souza speaks during session 8 of the 2012 Women on the Front Lines conference.
Healing Fire
Patricia King shares about the fire of God and the coming move of the Spirit when His fire will...
Miraculous Healing at The Tent
This wonderful testimony of the love and power of God will bring you to tears! God is great!
Miraculous Healing at The Tent
This wonderful testimony of the love and power of God will bring you to tears! God is great!