Healing Your Soul 5 with Katie Souza
This is the final episode in this beginning series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing...
The Miracle Blood on Calvary Street
A miracle took place on Calvary over two-thousand-years-ago for us. That miracle will set us free!
The Miracle Blood on Calvary Street
A miracle took place on Calvary over two-thousand-years-ago for us. That miracle will set us free!
God's Fire by Joyce Turner
We need a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit's fire for every new day, and for every...
God's Fire by Joyce Turner
We need a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit's fire for every new day, and for every...
God's Explosions
God is catapulting His people into His plans and purposes through His "suddenlies" and...
God's Explosions
God is catapulting His people into His plans and purposes through His "suddenlies" and...
Shift Into Suddenly
We have entered into the season of suddenlies where the long awaited promises of God are being...
Shift Into Suddenly
We have entered into the season of suddenlies where the long awaited promises of God are being...
The Healing School Part 1/3
The Healing School series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelation! Learn how demonic kings...
The Healing School Part 1/3
The Healing School series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelation! Learn how demonic kings...
God heals Kids!
Watch actual testimonies of children, as they describe the healing power of Jesus they received...
God heals Kids!
Watch actual testimonies of children, as they describe the healing power of Jesus they received...
Amazing Back Miracles!
Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...