Champions Live Differently
Dr. Clarice FLuitt explains why we must be prepared to be replaced. You are a champion and you...
Power of Prayer Part 1
Given to students at a bible college in NW PA on the subject of prayer and devotion.
Proverbs, College for Kings part3
A continuation of a teaching of the wisdom of Proverbs. Pastor Mike Harding follows themes of...
When Your Life-Plan Comes Together Part 2
Dr. Mark Chironna describes that NOW, more than ever, "making YOU happen" is going to...
Pastor Missy teaches on: How The Devil Operates
Did you know that the devil tries to kill and destroy your dreams and your purpose in God? ...
Three Friends of Jesus - pt 2
James exhorts us to seek the union in our own lives and ministries of Lazuras, Mary and Martha - Pt2
Seeing Your Dreams Part 1
You will be encouraged as Joan motivates you to move forward as she shares her testimony of how...
Sid Roth Radio Interview Part 2
Sid Roth & Katie Souza Radio Interview Part 2. Katie talks about how Offense can cause...
Sid Roth Radio Interview Part 3
Sid Roth & Katie Souza Radio Interview Part 3. Katie talks about how Offense can cause...
Sid Roth Radio Interview Part 5
Sid Roth & Katie Souza Radio Interview Part 5. Katie talks about how Offense can cause...
The Blood Covenant Message 6 by Pastor Missy Beik
This teaching will empower you and fill you with faith. God can do all things and God desires to...
The Enmity part 2
This week at Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to teach about the enmity between...
Pr. Missy on 'How God Deals With Rebellion' Msg. 4
In this fourth part of the series we learn from Numbers 17 how God deals with rebellion and how...