Conformed To His Image part 1
Genesis 1:26 reveals that God's plan is to conform you to His image - the image of Christ....
Let God Influence Your Life
We become what we repeatedly do. If we spend more time with God, we become His image!
Holy Intimacy with the Lord
Do you really know Jesus or do you simply suffice to know about Him. He want deep intimacy with...
2013 A Year of Activation part1
A teaching on the Prophetic Word Pastor Mike Harding had concern the year 2013 being a year of...
Prophecy - True or False?
Iverna teaches on what prophecy is, how it works, and how to recognize the real thing? Edify...
God Multiplies the Loaves
When we Give God all we have, even the little things, in our lives, God will move on our behalf...
Sid Roth Radio Interview Part 2
Sid Roth & Katie Souza Radio Interview Part 2. Katie talks about how Offense can cause...
Fearless Living, Overcoming Trauma and Phobias
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, continues his fearless living series with how to be...
Honor and the Goal of True Connection
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how to have a true heart connection with...
Fearless Living_Overcoming a Fear of Death
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his fearless living series with a teaching...
Are You Tired?
Francis Hunter shares a personal testimony of God's healing power during a time in her life...
The Enmity
This week at Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about the enmity between mankind...
Spiritual Authority and Prayer
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on your spiritual authority and how to use it...
Jesus Our Healer
At Love Gospel church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches the biblical foundation for healing and how...
Worthy is the Lamb
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that the Lamb of God, Jesus earned the right...