The Mystery part 10
Love Gospel Church finishes "The Mystery" series as Pastor Mike Harding teaches this...
At the Cross
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares his testimony about giving his life to Jesus.
Recognize Your Opportunity
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains without passion there is no power to perform. You and God make a...
He Overcame Death
On the cross Jesus overcame every sickness and disease including death. It is available for you too.
Building a House of Devotion
A special Message Given in Cape Town, South Africa at a Conference
Pr. Missy - Why God Chose Mary & Joseph To Raise Jesus
Pastor Missy teaches us the reason why God chose Mary and Joseph to raise Jesus. Learn the 6...
A New Resolve For America
There is a crack in the moral foundation of America. It has nothing to do with the Government...
Equipping the Saints How to Pray for your Loved Ones
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how people are blinded to the truth and we...
Made in His Image
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, shares how as God is forming us in His image we walk...
The Mystery part 6
Pastor Mike Harding continues to teach at Love Gospel Church on "The Mystery"...
As He is so Are We-Prophet
Jesus was a prophet who sought the heart of God and what he was doing to partner with him.
Bold as Lions part 3
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his message on getting rid of fear. This...
You Are His Temple
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains the symbolism behind the temple and how we...
Endtime Economics
A new revelation for the Last Days. God is your provider! Break off all hindering forces...
Manifest What You Are Carrying
Take the seed that God has planted in you and let it spill out over into your sphere of influence
Overcome Evil with Good
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on how to answer the question, "If God is...
Culture of Empowerment pt2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to discuss the culture of empowerment. In a...