To You And Your Household!
By, Clarice Fluitt
This is the season that we pause from all our many activities and take time to compose and share a meaningful Christmas letter with our family and friends. It is a time to express our love and gratitude to the Lord for His priceless Gift of eternal life secured for every believer in Jesus, the Christ of God.
As I began arranging my thoughts to express my love and appreciation for you, I experienced a bored "Ho-hum," rather than an enthusiastic "Ah-ha" unction. I heard the voice of the Lord ask, "Are you going to write another one of those generic letters with a one-size-fits-all motif?" My response was simply, "Lord, tell me what You want to say; it's Your birthday." I heard the sovereign Judge of all creation say this, "Let all the earth come to order in 2012."
The year 2012 will be a set time to establish divine order in our lives (spirit, soul and body), homes (family), church (corporate body), and nations. Isaiah 9:7, Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. The zeal of the Lord will establish order throughout the nations of the earth according to Genesis 22:9, 1 Chronicles 15:13, Job 10:22, Psalms 119:133, 1 Corinthians 14:40, and Titus 1:5.
Avoid vain ambition and superficial relationships with God and man because they will not stand. Check your motives, because spiritual promotion is only for the righteous. Have the faith of God.
1. faith is a fact to be believed,
2. a command to be obeyed,
3. a promise to be enjoyed.
Without faith you cannot please God. Revelation 4:11 says, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Follow this pattern:
1. Learn to follow the Holy Spirit and know the voice of God.
2. Embrace the gift of righteousness and develop personal holiness in your
countenance, conduct, and conversation.
3. Read and pray the Word of God.
4. Tithe your time to prayer, study, and fasting - 2 hours 40 minutes out of
24 hours or 1 hour 20 minutes of your waking time.
5. Let prayer and meditation be the rule of the day.
Anticipate the Holy Spirit to impart a divine discernment to reveal anything and everything that is not done in the Holy Spirit is carnal and destined to fail. This is a season for truth, transparency, and agape love to become "viral" through social media. Additionally, there will be a divine supernatural intervention for the conversion of children two years old up to young adults 20 years of age.
John 4:34 says, "My food is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work." Let this Scripture inspire your decision to embrace change.
May we all be inspired and challenged. I know I am.
Suggested Resource: Reigning As Christ
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bishop Clarice Fluitt and her husband, Dr. George M. Fluitt are cofounders and co-pastors of the Eagle's Nest World Prayer and Training Center of Monroe, Louisiana. Established in 1982, this ministry is unique in that it trains, prepares, and sends out Apostolic and Prophetic teams to minister God's word and love to the nations. The Fluitts currently oversee numerous churches and outreach ministries across the United States. Bishop Clarice's life is a remarkable chronicle of hilarious real-life stories, tragic trials, testings, and moving visitations of the Lord that have all combined to strengthen this anointed and unique vessel for the service of the King and His Kingdom.
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