Author: Mark Virkler
This app has been a huge key for me hearing from the Lord in my dreams. I've realized how intimately He speaks to my very situations and how loving he is. I'm so thankful for the videos explaining Charity's method to interpreting dreams!! Praise God!”
- Matthew Spurlock, Dream Keys appuser
We love receiving feedback from our dream interpretation app users, online students, and readers. It is such a blessing to know how God is using these teachings in your life and I’m so proud of you for putting the principles into practice and being doers of the word you hear!
I recently received the testimony below from Linda Garmon and asked her permission to share it with you. It is a wonderful example of how God speaks over and over again, yet often we just don’t perceive it. Job 33:14-18, 29-30 explains it this way...
“Indeed, God speaks once, or twice, yet no one notices it.
In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men,
While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction,
That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride;
He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol...
Behold, God does all these things oftentimes,
To bring back his soul from the pit, so that he may be enlightened with the light of life."
He’s such a good, good Father! And He is always speaking. Yet we just don't always notice it! How does this passage play out with our dreams? What do these verses look like in our everyday lives? Linda's story is a beautiful testament to how God speaks again and again through visions of the night to protect His beloved daughter and keep her safe and sound.
Reoccurring Dream Finally Makes Sense
After reading Chapter 10 in Hearing God Through Your Dreams, I finally made sense of a dream that I have had repeatedly over the last 35 years.
The dream – I am always in a car going somewhere. Most of the time I am driving the car and I am approaching a busy intersection. I need to put on the brakes, but for one reason or another as I approach the red light, I am unable to stop. Sometimes my brake pedal is missing, other times I am paralyzed in my feet.
Several times others were driving but not paying attention because they were distracted by too many things or they were intoxicated, weaving in and out of traffic with near misses, finally ending with me waking up right before a crash.
I had this dream in some form at least 20 times. I have not had this dream since 2022, when I retired from a 3rd shift baker job that I had for over 30 years.
My waking life 35 years ago was a failed marriage, being a single mom with a full-time job and two children in school. My drive to work was always 30-45 minutes. I lived beside my sister and worked 3rd shift so I could be home during the day. I mostly managed about 5-6 hours sleep daily.
It’s easy now to look back and see God’s warning to me, that this pace was very dangerous. Often, I would catch myself dozing off driving. In the dreams where the person driving was intoxicated or extremely distracted... those people represented me!
I never drank alcohol, but I was driving home one night and got stopped by a policewoman because I was weaving on the road. She checked me for intoxication but I wasn’t, I was just really tired. The police told me that driving tired was also DWI (driving while impaired). I thought DWI meant “Driving While Intoxicated"! Throughout those years I had many near misses. Totaled one car, but still walked away unharmed, without hurting anyone else.
Though I was a believer, I was not taught to honor my dreams, or how to hear God’s voice. I am now in my mid-sixties. Though I did not get it fully in my younger years, I am grateful for the intimate relationship I enjoy with the Lord now. It gives me great comfort to know that God was repeatedly warning me of the potential danger with the pace I was keeping.
Even though I really didn’t know all the ways God speaks and interacts with us, those repeated dreams are a continual reminder to me of God’s attempts to get my attention, and even in my ignorance I am grateful for His intervention and supernatural protection.
Reverse Engineering Reoccurring Dreams
Praise God for His faithfulness! He speaks to us oftentimes in our dreams, over and over again (Job 33:29). How encouraging that He won’t give up on us! He keeps warning and directing us. What a gift to know that God counsels us and instructs us at night through our hearts while we sleep (Ps. 16:7).
Hindsight is 20/20 and now Linda is able to see how God was repeatedly warning her through her visions of the night. Yet how can we more easily discern heaven’s messages to us in the moment? Now that we know He is speaking to us nightly, why does He give us repeated dreams, and most importantly, how can we make sense of them when we have them?
As with most dreams, the most important key for unlocking the meaning of it is actually nothing in the dream at all. Rather, it is prayerfully considering your waking world setting. That is, what was going on during the day when you had that dream at night? What were you thinking about and working on, or who had you just spent time with? Our initial goal is to find the continuity and repeated concepts in our waking life when we have the dream.
For example, if every time you focus on a specific project at your job or church, then you have some version of your reoccurring dream, that is a clue as to what the dream is speaking to. Or if every time you get together with a certain person, then that night you have the reoccurring dream, you know what relationship in your life God is wanting to talk with you about.
When we can find a common denominator from our waking world, that every time such and such happens during the day we have that reoccurring dream at night, we’ve made an important match. And once we understand the area of our life God is speaking to through the dream, it becomes much easier to decode the symbols and translate the message He is giving us through it.
Actions & Emotions
We know the two other important considerations the Dream Keys app helps us zero in on for interpretation are the main action and emotion of the dream. For example, in Linda’s dreams, the key action which kept showing up was that someone in the dream was acting irresponsibly and/or losing control. In slightly different ways, this same concept kept repeating itself.
Similarly, the main emotion that was a consistent theme and thread running throughout these various dreams was the feeling of danger. She felt afraid because God was warning her to not continue driving while impaired by sleep deprivation. If she had prayerfully considered where in her waking life she was behaving in a way which could cause her to lose control and put herself and others in danger, it’s easy to match up with her unsafe sleep and driving pattern. We see the dream was in many ways quite literal!
It is very encouraging when these types of repetitive dreams stop, because it usually means we have received the message from God and acted accordingly. Or as is the case with Linda, she was simply no longer in the dangerous situation He was warning her about because she no longer kept that difficult night work schedule.
We can be grateful we have reoccurring dreams knowing that God is speaking, and He won’t give up on us. He will patiently keep repeating the message until it gets through! And we can also be grateful when the reoccurring dreams stop, knowing we have either received and honored God’s instruction through the dream, or our life circumstances have changed so the message is no longer pertinent.
Real Time Revelation
This is another reason why it is not necessary to worry about interpreting all your older dreams from long ago. Even though dreams are usually messages from God and can certainly sometimes be prophetic in nature and about the future, they are most often His words to us about our current life situation. It is His direction, encouragement or warning pertaining to whatever is going on in our waking life at the time we have the dream.
How liberating to realize we don’t need to go back and decode every dream we’ve ever had. Instead, we can simply start working with the dream we have tonight.
How comforting to realize that if God has an important message we haven’t yet thoroughly understood and acted upon, we can be confident He will patiently download it again and again, as many times as we need Him to.
And how empowering to realize that when sound sleep falls on us this evening, we know what is happening. God is speaking to us often and over and over... and now we are listening.
"Father God, we're sorry we have missed Your messages and not noticed when You spoke to us while we slept. We purpose by Your grace and Spirit's power to honor our visions of the night the way You intended. Thank You for opening our ears and giving us instruction. Thank You for encouraging and warning us. Thank You for protecting and enlightening us. Thank You, Father, for Your amazing gift of dreams!"
What About You?
If you don’t yet know how to make sense of the visions of the night heaven is giving you, the Hearing God Through Your Dreams book is a great place to start. To dive even deeper, you can get the digital book as part of the Master Class available in our interpretation app, Dream Keys.
You can learn all about the app’s exciting features here. There is no cost to download the basic version, and we have even added an entire teaching session from the Hearing God Through Your Dreams Master Class and made it available on that page for free viewing as well!
So what are you waiting for? Join the 10,000 dreamers who have downloaded Dream Keys and try it for yourself today!
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“I was asleep, but my heart was awake. Listen, my Beloved is knocking…”
(Song of Solomon 5:2)
Related Resources:
Dream Your Way to WisdomRelated Blogs:
Christian Dream Interpretation
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