Author: Mark Virkler
God heals the pain of abortion so we can minister His healing grace to others
Statistics indicate there have been 63 million recorded abortions in the last 50 years. The pro-life Church rejoiced when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, hoping it would bring an end to this terrible practice. Yet there is still much to be done, both in the legal realm but perhaps more importantly, in the spiritual realm for those millions of people who have been affected in some way by abortion.
Abby Johnson speaks from experience
Abby Johnson worked at Planned Parenthood and she herself had two abortions. Now she is a leader of the pro-life movement as the founder and director of “And Then There Were None”. Starting at 22:45 minutes into this Flashpoint program, she was asked about the Church's role as we move forward. She stated that the statistics are that 1/4 to 1/3 of the women in America have had an abortion. Abby confesses that she had to come face-to-face with the fact that “I murdered two of my children,” repent of that, ask for God’s forgiveness, and receive the cleansing of Jesus’ blood.
Abby said many don’t have the courage yet to face what they did to their children
I fully understand that and feel we should come into agreement that God will grant the grace for these women to come to the point of seeking and receiving forgiveness. We all have sinned according to the Bible (Rom. 3:23). So repentance is something each of us must do multiple times in our lives. I surely have needed to repent, and I found that God was NEVER punishing me, coming against me, or putting me down.
Jesus’ healing touch
Jesus did to me what He did to Peter when Peter cursed and said, “I never knew Him.” Jesus simply asked Peter to reaffirm his love for Him and then Jesus recommissioned Peter back into the ministry: “Go feed my sheep” (Jn. 21). Wow! No condemnation there. No being benched for two years while I beat myself up over my sin. Simple acceptance, love, and “Come on, let's continue together.” Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…
Amazing Grace
In 1772, the words for the beloved song ”Amazing Grace” were borne from the heart, mind, and experiences of the Englishman, John Newton. John Newton spent part of his life as a slave trader before wholeheartedly devoting his life to God's service. He was ordained as an Anglican priest in 1764 and became quite popular as a preacher and hymn writer, penning some 280 hymns, among them the great "Amazing Grace." In later years, Newton fought alongside William Wilberforce, leader of the parliamentary campaign to abolish the African slave trade. He described the horrors of the slave trade in a tract he wrote supporting the campaign and lived to see the British passage of the Slave Trade Act 1807.
God uses inner healing to heal the deep wounds of our hearts
During the journaling application at the end of class time, Cheryl experienced a vision in which Jesus met her to heal the wound of her recent stillborn child. Instantly a picture appeared in her mind of Jesus and her together in heaven. Jesus walked her over to a bassinet. When they got there, Jesus reached in and picked up a very tiny baby and handed him to Cheryl. As she held the child. she counted all his fingers and toes, nursed him, and loved him until Jesus eventually said, “It’s time to go back.” She handed her baby back to Jesus and He put him back in the bassinet. Immediately Cheryl was back on earth, healed of the pain of her stillborn child, because now she knew her son was alive and thriving in heaven, under God’s watchful care.
Jesus will heal all our hurts and pains as we present them to Him and see how He addresses them. Let Christ heal your heart, so you can go and heal others with the grace that you have received (2 Cor. 1:4).
How to Hear God’s Voice – blog and electronic training package
Prayers That Heal the Heart – Blog, electronic training package
Two free health training opportunities this month
- Register for the Worldwide Video Event - Take Charge of Your Health (August 8-16)
- Register for an Interactive Zoom Session - Hear About Our Latest Discovery to Advance Your Health & Longevity (August 21 at 7:30 PM EDT)
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