Author: Keith Luker
Article: The Cosmic Chorus
October 31, 2007
Keith Luker:
"Prophetic Worship is the most powerful force in the Universe."
Join the Cosmic Worship Service
We are living in the most exciting times in the history of mankind on the earth! All nations are streaming to the mountain of the Lord in worship. The global prayer movement is taking over churches, infusing passion and life into all believers. The acceptance of prophecy is at an all-time high in the Church and especially in the marketplace...outside the walls of the Church! The worship of God in the earth has morphed into a wonderfully creative, dynamic, free expression of all kinds of gifts, movement, color, sound, light, art, culture, language and glory!
People all over the world are discovering tremendous freedom in singing spontaneously to God as the Holy Spirit moves them. This ancient, but fresh, expression of Prophetic Worship finally has come into its own in our day. Praise God! I remember, even a few years ago, that the best "spontaneous song" you ever heard in church was a one-chord "Hallelujah, Hallelujah" over and over that lasted about 90 seconds max!
Today, we see more and more churches, home groups, and individual believers singing the "song of the Lord" in worship as a dynamic two-way conversation with God that attracts His presence in a very intimate way as nothing else can.
Why is the Lord so captivated by this? God is a singing God! Prophetic Worship simply is listening for the songs and sounds of Heaven--and singing and playing those songs back to God.
Zephaniah 3:17 stuns us with the fact that God the Father rejoices over us with songs of joy, "The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Hebrews 2:12 gives us a profound picture of the Lord Jesus singing the praises of the Father in the midst of the congregation, "He says, 'I will declare Your name to My brothers; in the presence of the congregation I will sing Your praises.'"
Ephesians 5:18-19 opens the windows of revelation to the mysterious "odes of the Spirit" that we are to sing when we are full of the Spirit. "Spiritual songs" in this passage are the songs the Holy Spirit Himself is singing! "...be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord...."
We have been invited by God to join the cosmic worship service, which includes the Godhead, billions of angels, the entire creation, and a numberless host of saints who have gone before us. This mighty, eternal chorus is absolutely the most powerful force on the earth and in Heaven. Perhaps you are asking, "How can this be?"
Prophetic Worship is the most powerful force in the universe, simply because it is joining Heaven in the one activity that will continue into eternity...worship. It is literally, "Thy Kingdom Come!" To sing along with the Holy Spirit is the ultimate Divine exchange. God sings a song, we hear the song, and sing it back to Him. The Bride and the Bridegroom are locked in a Heavenly duet of love that goes on forever and ever. What could be more significant than this?
A Vision of New Worship
The time is coming, and now is, when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit...
In 1992, I saw a vision of congregational worship that has riveted my attention for fifteen years now. I saw worship teams showing up with no song list, and the Holy Spirit simply gave each song to worshippers as they yielded to Him. There was great unity and harmony among the worshippers, and we all listened as much as we played and sang. We heard the sounds and songs of Heaven and simply joined in. Then I saw angels and the cloud of witnesses and God Himself joining us, as we sang these glorious melodies and harmonies.
This fantastic culture of worship matured to such a degree that most of the songs soon came from people in the congregation. The band and singers on the stage simply facilitated and supported what was happening among the people. There were times when hundreds of people would catch a song from Heaven at the same time, and all would sing together as one practiced voice!
As the presence of God grew stronger and more powerful, the literal glory of God descended in manifest form as a cloud that everyone could see with their eyes. Miracles, salvations and deliverances all happened spontaneously in this electric atmosphere. No one in the congregation or on the stage was left standing, as we all were pressed down to the ground and unable to stand, because of the awesome power of God's manifest presence.
I have never recovered from this vision, and I believe that we are just beginning to touch the hem of His garment this year. Let's press in for all that He has for us!
And around the throne they NEVER STOP SINGING, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty--who was and is and is to come...."
Holy Holy, indeed!
Keith Luker
Email: [email protected]
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Helen Hall 10 years ago
that is a awesome word. thank the lord.