Author: Nellie Balandowich 1 Like
Early this morning May 16, 2014 I heard the Lord say: There is a great place of forming and fashioning, cultivating and nurturing, within Me, says the Spirit. It is a deep place. A place where I have called you, my people, to be shaped… a place of transforming glory.
When I said I was calling you into a deeper place in Me, it was not to leave you alone or forsake you or let you go or bring you to a place of the impossible not happening. As Peter walked out on the water he found himself in a place… away from his boat… away from being able to hold on to anything natural, anything solid, anything that he was familiar to hold on to for safety. Everything about his stepping out of the boat defied gravity and the laws of nature, it defied his old way of thinking.
You have now become familiar with what it feels like for deep waters to be under your feet as you feel the winds against your face and hear the storm thundering, as you keep your gaze on me… and as Elijah prayed to me that My fire would turn your gaze to me… there has been a transforming glory renewing you.
There is a law that supersedes those natural laws and it is My laws, says the Spirit. As you have kept your eyes on me and advanced forward beyond your natural circumstances, as you have said “Yes” and aligned with my words and my promises as you have moved passed the onslaught of thoughts that came to assail you, as you have walked through that place of determination… defying the natural thoughts of your circumstances and by keeping your eyes on me... those actions of faith have caused atmospheres to be shifted and framed and carved realms into a place where you are about to possess and advance at an accelerated pace and take great land.
I tell you now before it happens that THIS is your season…. your summer…. your summer of celebration. You will not be back this way again, for in me there is one road and it is called FORWARD. For the sorrow before the birthing is over… and now it time for the Joy of celebration as you see in the natural what you have seen in the Spirit.
This is the summer of transforming glory as you walk and rest in your promised land. Be bold, be willing, be brave, be consistent, be persistent, be relentless and receive divine supernatural renewal for the work ahead. Others said it could not be done and others not willing to take the road you took. Your strength is being renewed, you shall run and not be weary and there is a supernatural energy where you are rising up with new wings.
Transforming glory has brought you to this summer season. The seasoned in years will still produce much fruit and greater fruit and they will stay green and useful and all will plunder and share in the spoils. The younger will be seasoned and salted with unprecedented growth, as your summer of transforming glory becomes the summer of all things possible.
About Nellie:
Nellie Balandowich is an Associate Itinerant Minister with XP Ministries and has interned under Patricia King and has been endorsed by Patricia. Nellie was an Ordained pastor for 4 years in Burlington, Ontario.
Nellie has the heart of a revivalist to see the church come into her fullness according to the Word of God. Moving strongly in the gifts of a seer and the prophetic, accompanied by a strong healing ministry …She has a love for the bride to see her raised up equipped, and walking in the gifts and teaching the body how to overcome by walking in unity and sharing personal powerful testimonies on the path of Restoration.
Nellie teaches on the Prophetic Realms, Dreams and Visions and Interpretation, the Cross, the Glory of God, prayer and much more.
She likes to activate in the prophetic and see people released in their destiny, to encourage them to dream and realize those dreams. She has been asked to speak at Bible Schools, tent meetings and other conferences and churches through out the Toronto area.
As a gifted speaker, Nellie carries a strong anointing to operate in the realm of the supernatural. Nellie has a strong desire and mandate from the Lord to speak a Now word to the church in this hour, being called to build, encourage and equip the body of Christ.
To Book Nellie to speak at your venue, you can contact her at [email protected]
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marlene Bond 10 years ago
Thank you so much for this word. It surely is a now word for myself and others I know. I will pass this on to them as it is full of the life of God to accomplish that which it was sent forth for. Blessings and grace to you. Marlene