By Patricia King
March 2, 2014

“I see a vision of a mighty army strong and powerful. It is God's Love Army and they are fighting the Love War. They stand for His truth with unwavering commitment, they are faithful to obey His Word, and they have learned to love with His perfect, unfailing love. Oh how beautiful and majestic is this army!”

The days we are living in are both glorious and yet treacherous!  Isaiah 60:1-3 declares that it is our time to arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon us and in the midst of a dark hour we will see the nations turn to Christ.

We also discover through Daniel 7:25-27 that a spiritual power will speak out against the Lord and His Word and will wear down the saints. He will make alterations in times and in law and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. Ultimately, the tables will turn and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated, and be destroyed forever and the dominion will be given to the saints of the highest one.

Sounds intense doesn't it?  It is!

If we don't quit, we win. Choose today whom you will serve. Choose today to love the Lord your God will all your heart, mind, strength and soul and love others as yourself. (Matthew 222:36-40)

What will your love look like when it is "under fire"? What will it look like when you are possibly accused as being a judgmental religious bigot because of the Lord and His Word that you love, believe, live, and proclaim?   This is a day when we must be uncompromised in both truth and love. The Spirit of Humanism will arise as the greatest enemy of the church in this hour changing and altering times and laws. This spirit will even find its place of authority in the church as some leaders and believers bow to its philosophies and is even in this hour active within the house of God - beware. (2 Thess 2:3,4).  We will stand faithful no matter what. We will not be tossed about with every wind of doctrine. We will cleave to His truth even if it is not popular amongst the masses.

Remember that love always desires the highest for the sake of another. Love is willing to risk even if misunderstood. Love speaks the truth and does not rejoice in unrighteousness. Jesus loved perfectly and in the midst of His accusers, He did not open His mouth a word in His own defense...He forgave....and laid His life down...for all.

Lets hold fast to His example and become just like Him...lets become LOVE.

"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death."  Revelation 12:11