Endtime Economics
A new revelation for the Last Days. God is your provider! Break off all hindering forces...
2013 A Year of Activation part1
A teaching on the Prophetic Word Pastor Mike Harding had concern the year 2013 being a year of...
I Give You My Heart
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains God has given us his heart. He shares how to...
Our Authority in Christ part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his discussion on our spiritual authority...
'God Sends Angels To Get People in Position
Pastor Missy teaches us through Gideon, Elijah, and Joshua, how God sets up divine encounters...
There Will Be Earthquakes
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares about the power of God coming in increasing...
Twenty Ways to Get Healed Part 5
More biblical ways to get healed, like using the power of agreement.
Carrying His Heart
Can He trust you with His very heart? This message was given at a South Africa conference.
Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus
Ask God today to renew your perspective! To give you the burden for souls! Like Praying Hyde...
Seeing Your Dreams Part 1
You will be encouraged as Joan motivates you to move forward as she shares her testimony of how...
Proverbs College for Kings, part4
A continuation of a teaching on the themes and wisdom of Proverbs that train us on how to live...
Becoming a Powerful Person- No Other Foundation
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how to identify if you are building on an...
The Dove
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains why the Holy Spirit came on Jesus in the...
The Mystery part 1
Pastor Mike Harding explores "The Mystery" of the church. He teaches how God purposed,...
Eyes that Burn Like Fire
Steve Porter teaches us The eyes of the Lord are like blazing fire that heals our wounds and...
Equipping the Sanits-What are You Living For?
In the latest message from Pastor Mike Harding at Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike talks about...
The Promise of His Coming
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the end times and promises we have of...