Casting Out Devils
Every believer should know how to cast out devils and this 2 hour teaching gives you the simple...
Equipping the Saints-Synchonizing Hearts with God
A Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to equip the saints. This week he teacher on...
Pastor Missy Teaches on: 'Gifts of Healing'
Pastor Missy teaches what the Gifts of Healing are and how Healings can happen. She gives 6 keys...
Core Training for Healthy Relationships
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on strengthening and living from your core....
It's a New Season, Be a Believer by Pastor M. Beik
In this teaching you will learn about the kingdom of God and how it is sound activated. The life...
The Mystery part 5
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on "The Mystery". He teaches that...
The Furnace of the Lord
These are the days of Malachi 3 & 4. In this full message, Paul teaches on Malachi 3 & 4...
The Mystery part 8
Pastor Mike Harding continues teaching The Mystery at Love Gospel Church. Here he explores how...
Fearless Living, Overcoming Trauma and Phobias
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, continues his fearless living series with how to be...
Pr. Missy - Why God Chose Mary & Joseph To Raise Jesus
Pastor Missy teaches us the reason why God chose Mary and Joseph to raise Jesus. Learn the 6...
Position Yourself
Joan Hunter shares how important it is to not only believe for what God has for you, but to also...
On a Mission From God_Seeking the Bride
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding parallels the story of Issac searching for a bride...
Our Authority in Christ
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how we lost our authority on earth, but how...
Time And Eternity
Joshua Mills joins Patricia King on this episode of Everlasting Love TV to discuss the topic of...