Author: Patricia King
A Word from the Lord through Patricia King
July 14, 2009
The Lord has been speaking to me for a number of months regarding the entertainment industry and His plans for the release of inspired media and strategies. There is coming (and has already begun) an invasion of Holy Spirit inspired entertainment media that will transform nations and mindsets for His glory. God is raising up a media army that will truly conquer the media mountain of influence in the nations. I saw this army arising to communicate, facilitate, and greatly influence music, movies, television programs, webisodes, advertisements, and creative media festivals.
I Saw Angels
I saw Angels of Creativity being loosed to come alongside chosen vessels. Every dimension of media is going to explode with creativity and with favor. I also saw a specific company of angels being dispatched to bring in the provision and wisdom needed to spread the media.
A New Structure - Not A Replacement
God will continue to send His people into Hollywood to bring light and life, but Hollywood (the system behind the entertainment industry including spirits of mammon, greed, pride, self-exaltation) will not be conquered or replaced. The system will eventually crumble and fall. God is building a brand new realm for media that is not aligned to Hollywood or the demonic system that controls it. It is not a replacement, but something brand new. It’s Builder and Maker (Architect) is God. Many Christians will receive this revelation and will move forward to follow Him, and find each other in the process. This company of reformers will not be bought or sold. Their hearts will be set apart for their King and not for their own agendas. They are surrendered vessels, and money is not their God or their motivation. Fame is not their passion. They will be like David’s mighty men and do whatever it takes to serve their King and give Him what He longs for.
Blueprints and Scrolls from Heaven
God is delivering blueprints and scrolls in the Spirit that contain the wisdom to BUILD a foundation of Kingdom values that will create a container for the times. This is not for just a few, there will be many. I saw thousands of scrolls being dropped from the hand of God out of heaven into the hands of the faithful stewards He is calling. The scrolls were falling into strategic regions. I saw hundreds of red dots on a map and specifically identified Phoenix, Kansas City, Redding (CA), numerous cities in Texas, Ottawa, Calgary, London, and Sydney, Australia. There were many other places. Some seemed more pronounced than others, but they were too numerous to count and to identify the exact locations. They were in many nations. These blueprints and scrolls are falling now. The Spirit revealed to me that this specific season and wave of media blueprints and scrolls began in September 2008. There are many who already have them in their hand.
A Celebration, Not a Competition
I saw leaders in the media realm laying their lives down for others. There was no competition and everyone was being celebrated. Many networks were forming. The vision was so beautiful. Everyone was serving each other in order to bring forth glory for the King. Standards of humility, grace, love, camaraderie, and faith were being lifted up.
Church Buildings
I saw churches hosting films, movies, documentaries, and arts and media festivals. I saw the face of many churches changing and media centers were springing up everywhere. Church buildings were continuing to be houses of worship but, in addition to hosting church families, they were literally being changed into production houses, theaters, and music, art, and dance studios. Some were also hosting film and arts festivals. Christian Film and Art Festivals were springing up everywhere. Entire communities were impacted as the masses flooded into the churches to watch various forms of media.
More people were watching entertainment media in church buildings than in movie theaters. I saw these centers spring up in many cities around the world. I specifically saw California, New York, Texas, Oregon, Nashville and Knoxville, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas City and region, North Carolina, Florida, Oklahoma, and Ontario, B.C., and Alberta in Canada. I saw London, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, and many places in India, China, Australia, Germany, Holland, and South Africa. These centers were in many places around the world and not confined to those just mentioned. They were truly too numerous to count or identify. There will be many church leaders who will receive specific assignments to launch into media building projects to facilitate the vision. I saw building expansion projects and enlargement of existing facilities. The Lord will release great amounts of provision for these projects. Christian college and university campuses will also host entertainment media.
Movie Theaters Go Christian
Many secular movie theaters will see the success of what God is doing in the church and will start to host Christ-inspired media. Some theater owners, due to financial sufferings, will actually give their theaters to the church. These theaters will turn into churches and houses of prayer and worship as well as media houses. There will be many salvations, healings, and miracles in these sanctified media houses.
Advertising Agencies
God is going to give Christians creative and anointed revelation for advertisement development for godly and wholesome products and companies. These advertisements will carry great favor and influence. The agencies will prosper but will not be focused on the “profit” but on the “Prophet.” They will be used to saturate the hearts of the viewers with the presence and conviction of the Spirit.
I saw many media pioneers who had been taken out of the race in the past through discouragement and spiritual battle now rising up in resurrection power and completing their mandate. They were the forerunners of what is breaking forth. Their reward is at hand.
Media Intercessors
An exponential increase of media intercessors is emerging. I saw them in the vision. They were tenacious and many were praying for at least 6-8 hours at a time. They were up in the night and in the day. The intercessors who had been praying for many years will see the reward of their labor. More intercessors will join them. New prayer companies carrying specific media assignments will also rise up in the nations for such a time as this.
Music Explosion
New God-inspired music is about to burst into visibility with accompanying choreography and dramatic expressions. Christian recording artists who will not bow their knee to the lusts of the flesh or the world and it’s system will come into visibility and will have great favor with the masses. Many will follow their examples of godliness. Many church buildings will host recording studios that will birth anointed worship and entertainment music for the church and the world.
God is Moving NOW
God is on the move. Many are receiving the vision, witness, and confirmation. Many are already receiving their mandates and blueprints for this hour. Let’s move forward. Now is the time. God’s Media Army is Arising!
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