Author: Pat Lairson 1 Like
Fix It Ticket
by. Pat Lairson- Life Coach
Have you ever been stopped by a police officer and received a “Fix It Ticket” because one of your headlights was out? You may have been surprised when you were told this as you had no idea that you had a light out. Once you were notified of this “Fix It”, you then realized as you drove home that really only half the street is lit up. You became hyper aware that you are not seeing fully and can’t wait to take your car in and get your light fixed! Once you do get the headlight fixed, you now realize your vision has improved greatly and the road is much more lit up!
That is how it is with Life Coaching. Something happens in our life that alerts us to the fact that something is not working. It could be a feeling, a situation, or just a desire for more. Some of us may not be able to identify what the problem is or what is missing other than feeling the desire for more. Others know what the problem is but have no idea how to make the necessary changes to fulfill their dreams and desires. With just a few short Life Coaching sessions you can obtain more vision, realize opportunity and your road ahead can be much brighter.
If this sounds like you, here is your “Fix It” ticket. I believe God wants to partner with His people to do a new thing, to increase vision and to shed more light on the potential you have in Him. It is time to lay down all fear, get out of your box and go for it! If you feel stuck and don’t have a clear vision of how to get unstuck, consider Life Coaching.
This is my passion, to see people whose paths are brightly lit, whose steps are directed by the Lord and they are fearlessly moving forward walking them out!
Pat Lairson- Life Coach
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