Time And Eternity
Joshua Mills joins Patricia King on this episode of Everlasting Love TV to discuss the topic of...
Position Yourself
Joan Hunter shares how important it is to not only believe for what God has for you, but to also...
What Are you Focused On
Pastor Marcy shares about Focusing on Jesus instead of your circumstances brings the miraculous.
The God of Your Heart's Desire
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that God cares about you, your dreams,...
Pastor Missy Beik teaches on: Be Ready Jesus Is Coming!
Learn through the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, how this applies to the Church,...
Eyes that Burn Like Fire
Steve Porter teaches us The eyes of the Lord are like blazing fire that heals our wounds and...
Supernatural is Natural
Enjoy amazing teaching and testimonies of how signs and wonders are becoming the norm.
Top 4 Things Jesus Taught His Disciples- #4 Faith
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, explains that Jesus often commented on people's...
Rise Up My Love
A message by Steve Porter in Lebanon, Pa September 8, 2015 for Aglow International
As He is, so are We
Cris shares on resting in the completed work of Christ and Mike shares on Jesus dying as us.
The Father's Love
Hear about the Father's love for you and learn how to get rid of the junk in the trunk and...
Pastor Missy Beik teaches on 'Different kinds of Angels'
This is the second message in the angels series and Pastor Missy teaches through the Scriptures...
As He is so Are We-Prophet
Jesus was a prophet who sought the heart of God and what he was doing to partner with him.
1400 Years of Preparation
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the prophecy and preparation that went...
Come Into the Ark
Pastor Mike Harding explains at Love Gospel Church how God is a righteous judge. It his love and...
At the Cross
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares his testimony about giving his life to Jesus.
The Blood Covenant - Message 4 by Pastor Missy Beik
Learn how to apply the Blood of Jesus Christ by faith and empower your Christian walk.